
I believe the first 3 series are on Netflix. I haven't got round to watching it yet, but from what I've heard you could add Braquo as a show to check out. It went out on the same channel as Engrenages/Spiral.

It won't be on iPlayer anymore, the series finished a while ago over here, they get taken off a week after being shown.

Not taught in my school, and I studied the modern history syllabus. I didn't actually learn about Suez in a classroom until university, I think most British people aren't really aware of how/when the British Empire declined, as Afghamistam & trefusius say history in schools goes from 1945 to 1960's in one step.

Quinn's mum turned up towards the end of the season to make amends after her marriage ended. Don't remember anything about the other stuff, sorry.

This may be a little obscure, I don't think the show has been aired in the US, but the last episode of the second series of Engrenages/Spiral.

Same here, liked it when I first saw it, still like it now. I'd always remembered hating "Behind The Laughter", but I watched it again today and I quite enjoyed that one as well.

Well as the film is called "Ruthie's Holiday" and Lord Elms is the only person we've heard refer to her as Ruthie, and talked about her making films, I assumed he sent it to Freddie.