
Donna's reaction to the cat slew me. "That’s disgusting. I’m allergic to it and its ugliness."
To be fair, though, it was a fairly grody-looking cat.

Donna's reaction to the cat slew me. "That’s disgusting. I’m allergic to it and its ugliness."
To be fair, though, it was a fairly grody-looking cat.

My friend showing me a youtube clip of the kebab scene was what finally convinced me to watch Pulling, and I'm so glad I did. Sharon Horgan is a comedy treasure.

My friend showing me a youtube clip of the kebab scene was what finally convinced me to watch Pulling, and I'm so glad I did. Sharon Horgan is a comedy treasure.

As someone who recently caught up on The Hour in preparation for the new series, this episode completely turned me around on Freddie. I spent the first three episodes waiting for Freddie's ego to get kicked to the curb, but when it did, it was heartbreaking. On his birthday, no less! Whishaw absolutely nails it - his