
Modell was right to be skeptical
His family and others have confirmed that he is alive and still in a coma this morning:

I meant Wall-E the robot, not Wale the rapper. Although he would have been good too…

I meant Wall-E, the robot, not Wale the rapper. Although he would have been great too

What about Wale
…in Wale.
And in Terminator 3. dur.

No Scott Pilgrim?
Rating: otherwise awesome.
Could use a little more Scott Pilgrim though.

Favorite MCPB rhyme?
The way I communicate can make a freakin' eunuch mate

90s emo reunions on Fallon
SDRE, Jawbox…

Apparently there is a new song…
One of the folks at the "secret show" in Tacoma spilled the beans online:

The Jealous Sound
I'm surprised that The Jealous Sound wasn't mentioned in the "commitments" part of the interview. Nate did play on their new record and is touring as a member of both bands for this tour… man, I hope that doesn't tire him out by the time SDRE hits the stage!

I think a lot of the hatred towards what emo has become lays within certain individuals perceptions of "punk," as emo is basically grounded within the punk community. For folks who take to any and every '77 punk cliche, they're going to hate the emo cliche of the 00's, period. The fact that a genre that many feel is a

Nothing can beat Samuel, the deaf Amish guy from Diary of the Dead.
I feel like Romero is trying to top it with this fishing guy in the new movie:
Perhaps comedy is his future calling? Or something along the lines of "Improv of the Dead"…

Yep. I also made up this interview:

Win's in the Arcade Fire and Tunde's in TV on the Radio.

Win Butler and Tunde Adebimpe
…in the span of twenty minutes.
…in Norway.