
I can see that view. Just go on auto pilot and use the language everyone has been agreeing with to just to diffuse the situation and then later figure things out.

I just recently watched that and it almost came off as Dan lying about everyone knowing. It sucks that we can't know for sure (unless they put some footage somewhere)

I agree she was trying to be crafty, but it was wrong. If Sierra does it, it is a good move, because they really are after her. But Carolyn doing it only works if they were trying to vote out Sierra. Saying that Mike is paranoid is only a good option when people he is talking about need to be reassured.

Totally. Their brains are probably all "screw this and go get more food. NOW!"

The NFL is terrible. All teams do stuff like that. Saw this recently http://yourteamcheats.com/ Just confirmed my decision to stop watching that sport many years ago.

As far as we know only Carolyn and Tyler knew and didn't tell anyone else. So then when she told Mike he became the only other person who knew.
Dan didn't know that Carolyn knew, so Mike telling Dan that he knew what the advantage was wouldn't really tip Carolyn and it isn't even reasonable that Dan would guess that.

It is even worse. It is Carolyn who says Mike is being paranoid first. When your name comes up in that specific situation you should be the one that is paranoid, not the one who has immunity who is telling you.

Or a case against Harry Shearer with Christopher Guest as as judge

It is pretty hilarious to put Kiss on here since that album was pretty much all re-recorded in the studio afterwards. It is almost a studio album with live crowd sounds…

I agree with you and it has nothing to do with I am coincidentally listening to the same album as your profile pic. Really weird.

"The veterinarian that stitches up Mike isn’t fazed at all by the job. In fact, if Mike’s new in town and looking for work, he knows some people. Add vets to the list of people I will now assume are all connected to organized crime."

"Every schlubby bastard married to an impossibly good-looking woman"

Eh, I don't think so. I think he was just saying that to get the local news to come out, because it would be easier reach for the rescue story. He eventually went to the college kids because he couldn't get anyone so at least he could get it filmed.

Do they also hate comedians who do jokes about being a comedian/telling jokes? There seems to be a lot of that lately.

I think new players are more likely to fall into the trap of being loyal to their "blood," so this might be more interesting. Last time with returning players you had virtually everyone playing for themselves.

I didn't like the cuts to the current day during the final episode. It spoiled the mood for me. I like it better when they do the walk transition after FTC to current day.

Well, he is a cop.

I can't see any reason that would force me to go to that Fred Meyer at 5pm on a Friday. That's just nuts!

I say
Blame Canada

Things could be worse
Seems like things are turning out better than if Conan was still doing the Tonight Show.