
Seeing as the show has made the physical presence of the film crew known on many occasions, you can't just say to ignore the mockumentary aspect. One theory that makes a lot of sense that gets tossed around is that this is some sort of on going project by a film class at a local school (like a community college),

Criticisms of McNutt's reviews?
One thing I don't get is people who criticize him for "hating" the show when he gives the 7th season at least a B almost every week. I mean this episode deserved an A, I think, but nothing else this season has even been decent, yet he gives it decent grades. If this was season 2 or 3

It's temporary, but trials like this take a long time (months), so she's gonna be there for the rest of the season at least I'm guessing.

That tree really did look kind of full of itself
Andy was kind of subdued tonight, but I loved him describing the tree Pam was looking at at the lot. I don't remember exactly, but he described it as full of itself and a couple other things.