
He went out with a Wire style "Get on with it motherfu-"

Oooooo edgy black clothing! She's turning into goth Stan, and then back again.

I'd be alright with this if the mother is met in the season 8 finale. I'd personally like to see the Ted/Mother get married. I think that's the most satisfying way to end everything.

I'd be alright with this if the mother is met in the season 8 finale. I'd personally like to see the Ted/Mother get married. I think that's the most satisfying way to end everything.

I don't think Masters of the Hemisphere really count as E6, they're more of an Kindercore band, if I recall. That said, Protest a Dark Anniversary is literally one of my favorite albums ever. It's catchy through and through.

I can't wait for half the contestants be stuck around that shitty shack by the end of the season, whining over being losers!

I was kind of dreading Coach a little, but by the end of this tribal council he was easily twenty miles ahead of Ozzy in terms of entertainment. Mikayla (I think it was her)  walking up to the group chat about voting, and everyone splitting in utter confusion was great.

The Wire
Season 3, one sitting!