
Yeah, but Chelsea is the best Russian team by far, so you can't really blame him

You don't need to be from DC to think it's ridiculous to suggest that the vice president would ever be landing a helicopter at a civilian airport in the DC area.  He fucking lives there.  Most people should know that there is a lot of military/secret agency stuff in the area even if we don't know all the geography. 

Sure, I can agree with that.  I still say that forcing him to make a sudden unplanned meeting is ripe for the enemy to realize what's going on.  Of course we don't see how they're communicating fully, but it seems most obvious to me.  I didn't even think of a mole until they said it.  The other suggestions here both

I don't think the diplomat tipped them off either.  My thought when it was happening was that a middleman (obviously Walker isn't going to see the heart) would know that there was not a scheduled meeting.  Somebody would be watching and seeing the heart when there should not be one would tip them off that the diplomat

101X has played mostly 90s rock since I've lived here, which is around 11 years now.  They're the alternative or modern rock radio station though.  The classic rock station doesn't play much 90s or any.  I know GNR and Def Leppard etc. make the cut for classic rock there, but I don't know that I've ever heard a

How much shit Tyler Perry?

In Austin, 101X plays at least half 90's nostalgia.  I mean, I love it and all considering I was in high school or early college when most of the songs came out, but I make fun of it all the time.  It's supposed to be the modern rock station in town, but at least half the tunes are old.  Then they still have the balls

They're finally rebuilding that building.  Fun Fact.

I too was completely baffled by how this was a stupid subplot.  As soon as they rolled up to that farmhouse, I thought, the house is going to blow up as soon as they walk in.  They're loose ends, so they have to be tied off, just like the captured guard last week.

You must not watch much TV and definitely not any Breaking Bad.

Daily Routine is easily my favorite song on MPP. More the first half though than the second.

I played that game last week and it was pretty simple, but pretty fun. There are arrows all over the place showing you which direction to go. I never even bothered to think about what colors I was hitting because the path was always so easy or obvious. I think there was only one (maybe two) near the end that

I agree with chocoholic (I have that shirt!, btw). I just beat the game in about 20 minutes, but I do puzzle games quite often. Nothing here was as hard as it looks at first glance. They all had a pretty straightforward method. Even the wheel puzzles were pretty simple.
Sudokus and other logic puzzles can

I thought pretty much all anejo or reposado tequilas are aged in oak.