

So if it's a 5-star system, is one star like a downvote?! I NEED TO KNOW!

Read Stray Observation number three, dummy.

I thought Beth was going to pull her "I'm a doctor, too" card out but they didn't go that route.

I'm glad there were no mentions of that episode…while it had a couple of funny bits, I didn't like it that much.

I laughed out loud when I saw that. GO PATS!

You've been saying that for quite some time and it hasn't come to pass. It's kind of like a crazy person standing on a street corner screaming that the end is near.

"We"? Downvoted for plugging your website

Yeah, right, Lisa. A wonderful, magical animal?

He knows. He has called himself "the McDonalds of writers".

The AV Club

His granddad invented baking powder so I'm not surprised.

A Treasury of Great Recipes by Vincent Price (yes, that Vincent Price).


It's not the people they're hiring are incompetent. I think that the person doing the hiring is incompetent.

Steve…Steve…They're both terrible.

I can take the heat…eternally.

So if they do a documentary about the making of that movie, would they call it Regarding the Book of Henry?

Really? Worst movie you ever saw? Well, my next one will be better!