The second is great if you like pitch dark endings and Franciscus does a great job.
The second is great if you like pitch dark endings and Franciscus does a great job.
The original movie? Sure. It's pretty good.
A Marlins fan? As a Red Sox fan, I'm sorry…I'm so so sorry.
Good for them.
That reminds me of a Seventh Doctor audio adventure where he temporarily deafened himself and Ace to get inside an alien spacecraft in Nazi occupied territory.
No…don't…don't do that.
Beneath is my favorite of the bunch because of the nihilistic ending. I saw it when I was a kid and didn't think a movie could end on that dark a note…not that the first movie didn't have a dark ending. None of these movies are subtle…but, I don't mind a movie being obvious in its message (I'm also a fan of Doctor…
Wats oll dis then?
'ello, guvnah!
Ug-ug-ug! WHOA!
I think he quit because John Cusack and a bunch of other old people took over his mind through a small door in an office building.
Bill Bailey is also a huge Doctor Who fan. :)
I just hope they can work in Grant.
I thought it was Orson Welles…
I miss the actual Statler and Waldorf gimmick account…
You learn something new every day. And who says Latin is a dead language?!
I don't know what that is…Is that the geeky guy from Community?
Well, if you're Hitler in Hell, you have to expect daily beatings at the very least.