
Fun Fact: William Katt auditioned for the role of Luke Skywalker in Star Wars.

I can take the heat.

I like her brother Egg Foo.


That's the one about the piano player, right?

All too easy.

Just see the first season.

Better get plenty of vodka…

But don't they know one of the best improvised lines is Star Wars (and movie) history was "I know"? They should allow more of that.


But…but I thought everything was awesome….everything was cool when you're part of a team…

I can take the heat.

Your dad is a man after my own heart.

Stay alive! Whatever may occur I will find you!

Me too, my friend.

Opie pops the clutch and tells the world to eat his dust!

I thought it was Kanjiklub?

What now? Is that a Star Wars character?

"As someone once told me, when's the last time you thought, 'Whoa, Ron Howard directed the shit out of that movie?'"

He really should narrate more things. Like a 21st century Burl Ives.