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    My favorite thing are Pablo's amazing sweaters. How can such a goofy dresser be so menacing is a mystery.

    Yes, using rapes between quotes is really helping your argument.

    Yeah, the av club is extremely duderific in its point of view, and worse of all, most of them think they are super liberal and forward-thinking.

    He is. And I see their point, even I can see his accent in some
    Moments. But its one of those things, should we really limit the scope so much that only someone from the country can plplay the character? Brazilians are played by hispanic actors all the time, and their accents are also atrocious, but you get over it

    I don't know about the States but here in Brasil the first season was an absolute hit. For awhile there everybody was talking about it. Its not a brazilian story but its very much so a south american narrative that I think we can all relate to, including the american interventionism angle.
    Its not a perfect show in

    Good. I had found really strange that there was no regular coverage

    I find putting sugar on orange juice just dumb. Orange is sweet enough by itself. I do like sugar with lemon juice though.

    Thor movies are my favorite mcu movies. he is so funny

    I disagree. Sense8 is great.

    Now And Then, the superior version of Stand by Me.

    He did file a report

    Nancy a lot. And that's why I love her dearly.

    I agree. I really liked ST, but when I hear about theories I'm like, theories about what? It was pretty straightforward story telling.

    In the off chance a small town police decided to intervene in a schoolyard fight, I would just show them the pictures and we would see who they would end up arresting

    you are the one defending a character taking creepy pictures of a teenage girl and I'm the one in the wrong? That's rich.

    Hey, it's a television show, it's NOT REAL. And we are discussing this episode, since this is a review of this episode. And I don't need to know anything that happens in happens after to judge something that was presented to me as it was happening.

    Won't we think of the poor guy that can't jerk off now that he can't take creepy, invasive pictures anymore?


    I actually think that could work

    Yes you can