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    Yes, I was so upset Harper was so easily swayed. AND MONROE!

    I like float too. They used it all the time in s1 and it kind of disapeared in s2, but it makes sense to me. I liked Frak too.

    F-, eFfiest.

    Whatever, I'll always take a Superman story over a Batman one. Most of my favorite "Graphic Novels" are Superman ones. It helps that Superman/Clark Kent is actually interesting, while Batman is the least interesting character on his side of the DC Universe. Batman villains are interesting, much of the Batfamily is

    So this was definetly my favorite episode, because I care way more about Trish than I do about Killgrave. I did not think the scene with Trish's mom making her vomit was over-the-top, to me it felt like a very real situation.


    Oh, no doubt that is a conscious writing choice, and its well-done and important. I just don't find their relationship as compeling as the reviewer.

    "and their scenes together have a depth of emotion that isn’t reached anywhere else this season"

    Yeah, this was easily my least favorite episode of the season, just like Stick was easily my least favorite episode of Daredevil. They both go on tangents .that I just don't care about. That's right, I don't care about Luke Cage. At all. That said, I don't care that they didn't spell it out why Jessica was spying on

    sexy? really? budget cris evans is really not what I'd called sexy

    nope, supergirl is feminism 101 and with good reason.

    "Last night was fun, but that doesn’t mean I need your opinion." And with that Trish became my favorite character of the show. Maybe I watched wrong, but I didnt get the impression Malcom was just on the drugs, I thought the drugs were Killgraves fail-proof to keep him under control, but that definetly Killgrave had

    Okay, but is the av club seriously not doing episode reviews of it? Why? Is it because its half in spanish?

    "The sexy, magnetic Kunis the public fell in love with is nowhere to be seen in Jupiter Ascending. She has been replaced by a pod person who looks just like her but has none of her charm, humor, or sensuality."

    Every single time I've discussed this movie:
    Guys:" She went too far!"
    Women:"She should've cut his balls for REAL!"

    ah yes, the stupidity/evolution argument. well done.

    this is also a problem, don't fool yourself. just because its a cartoon doesn't mean people won't want to mimick it.

    not every woman has a gut.and someone like lara croft certainly wouldn't. I get it, the problem is that the only female image we see represented is stick thin with big boobs, and this PREDOMINANCE is not realistic. but saying that thin with no gut is somehow unrealistic is not true.

    I hadn't realized I wouldnt be watching a new Marvel movie until 2019. Ah, who am I kidding? I love the Thor movies.

    I'd argue is not really for newcomers, but I guess is self contained enough.