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    freud was no hero

    yes it is. the community of women overthrows a patriarchial system and replaces it and its seem as te best thing possible. it doesnt get more hit over the head than that.

    It is a feninist movie. Anybody who doesnt think that, dont know what feminism is.

    Treating women as human beings is revolutionary and the definiton of overt feminism. People that dont think fury road wasnt extremly feminist dont know what feminism is.

    Thats actually my favorite thing, among many, in lost in translation. Speaking of it, have you watched recently? Scarlet's voce is COMPLETLY different!

    Ive seen a lot of meta about him being fucking feral in the begining of the movie largely because he is treated as an animal, but when furiosa starts to actually trust him, he becomes more human-like and comunicative (not super comunicative, but you know, better)

    its totally her story, not that has stopped slashers before.

    1-guy wants to fight, is not in trouble and neither is any of his loved ones
    2-meets love interest while not having any powers
    3-gets power, is used as government propaganda for the war until he gets feds up with everything and goes save some soldiers which, yes, include one of his friends, but he would do it anyway.

    " It tries so hard to be dystopian it achieves inadvertent comedy instead"

    one of my favorite things about fury road its how it generated so much fanart about Furiosa. usually movie's fanart is all about the homoerotic adventures of any two white dudes that exist in the film universe. but 'i've seen tons of furiosa fanart and like two of max.
    she is so badass she cut through the slash.

    thats like, the opposite of captain america, and not exactly how thor goes. are you sure you watched any of the movies outside of iron man?

    So, this Pixar movie, is it good or is it Brave?

    I do think there's a difference, but unfortunately is a differende that is based on historical sexism. Look, I would have no problem withit if they never mentioned. Supergirl is called supergirl because in most versions she is a teenager, and the name is apropriate. This time around they didnt want to make her go to

    Supergirl is literally that Black Widow snl parody. Don't get me wrong, it might work for the character, black widow is a dark character that has no bussiness going rom-com, but Kara has the chance, and aparently the intent, of being sunny.
    I don't have anything against girlyness, and its refreshing to see a super hero

    Its already on netflix UK.

    Thats so funny to me because in my family I have four uncles and my mom was always the designated jar-opener.

    They hated each ither so hard. If nothing else, these two can give the world a lesson in how to get over things eventually.

    Boy arent you fun.

    Nowadays is not as fun to ship them because she becáme SO MUCH HOTTER than him. Still nice tough.

    I was appaled at the credit card thing. Can husbands, or ex-husbands do that? Is it the same for wives?
    Grace specially seemed like someone who made her fortune independent from her husband, so how come he has so much power over her finances?