
Kanye West is a hilarious, harmless ass. Boycotting artists who are patently ridiculous could take a thousand lifetimes. It's a lot easier to start at the ones that physically hurt people and work your way back.

With a jellyfish in the bathtub!

With a jellyfish in the bathtub!

Yessir. Molly it is, sir. 

Yessir. Molly it is, sir. 

Me too. Pretty much wore the things out. I think there are new ones out with commentary. 

Me too. Pretty much wore the things out. I think there are new ones out with commentary. 

It sure sounds "worse."

It sure sounds "worse."

Keeps me warm.

Keeps me warm.

Do you think you're the first person to refer to Chris Cornell as a "great man?" You might be.

Do you think you're the first person to refer to Chris Cornell as a "great man?" You might be.

It was Amelie who I believe called him an anthropomorphic chili cheese fry or somesuch thing.

It was Amelie who I believe called him an anthropomorphic chili cheese fry or somesuch thing.

We actually do pay taxes on capital gains in this country. They're called "capital gains taxes." Unless you have specific information that demonstrates Hastings didn't pay taxes. Or you just assumed he didn't cause he's rich, and rich guys, like, never pay taxes. 

American Beauty. Ugh

It's not too close, but there's a chain of cheesy college bars with varied Irish names (Maloneys, Logans, etc) that kill the music, play iconic movies clips, with sound, then play some song that cleverly ties in after the fact. I remember that opening scene of 'Cliffhanger' when Stallone loses his girlfriend down a

Yeah. I don't either. 

I think The Bird and the Bee entered into this conversation with "Fucking Boyfriend." All their other likable songs come off that Hall and Oates cover album.