Mary Sue

I think maybe we just have really cheap TVs.

Yes. Mama like.

I also love you, Mike White! Enlightened will always be important to me. Comforting, heart-breaking, hilarious, thought-provoking TV carefully made. I watched season one repeatedly (And I do mean REPEATEDLY) during a sad time and it was like…well, therapy. Thank you! 

They weren't going to take her back until she mentioned that she had seen a lawyer before she left saying it'd be wrongful termination because of a pre-existing condition - her depression. And when Amy mentioned that, at first I thought she was pretty cunning and I didn't think I would like her but that didn't last

Aw, suck a sick dick!

Same thing happened to me with my Enlightened notification.

Therapy helps.

It was two different clips from the same episode, so it was put together oddly. It's not all heartwarming at all. Although, that last scene was when I fell for the show officially.

And it's not too late to have a baby, you know.

He looked so vulnerable there, after opening up like he did and her driving away from him. Good body language, too. How is this ending in two more episodes?

you sound awesome

I love the music as well - I made myself a playlist from the episode info on HBO Go. My favorite is when she's on the river with Levi - that song is called Reverie by Ludovico Einaudi and available to download  if you're interested.

left out a yummy

left out a yummy

left out a yummy

I'm moving there in two weeks so that should balance things out.

I'm moving there in two weeks so that should balance things out.

I think I saw Heisler beer on Workaholics - maybe the episode with Alice's brother.

I think I saw Heisler beer on Workaholics - maybe the episode with Alice's brother.

The white dress reminded me of a 1980's Barbie dress, complete with that disc-like necklace that comes with it as an accessory.