Leave Me Alone

I'm toying with the idea that she is a manifestation of the TARDIS which exists in some sense in all times.  That's why she's perfect for him, won't permanently die and why he'll keep finding her.

One of the things I liked is that I think the movie is even handed in its depiction of the parents and children.  The parents don't even let the kids know they are in financial trouble until the day before they're going to be evicted.  Also, the parents really are difficult to have around, especially the grandmother

One of the things I liked is that I think the movie is even handed in its depiction of the parents and children.  The parents don't even let the kids know they are in financial trouble until the day before they're going to be evicted.  Also, the parents really are difficult to have around, especially the grandmother

MacMurray was always the genial guy.  He was playing against type in "Double Indemnity" and surprised everyone with his performance.

MacMurray was always the genial guy.  He was playing against type in "Double Indemnity" and surprised everyone with his performance.

Angela Lansbury was a badass from the beginning.  Her first credit on IMDb is "Gaslight" in which she plays the evil maid.  Her third is "The Picture of Dorian Gray" in which she is too good for this world.  She has played all kinds of characters since she was old enough for an MGM contract and no one should be

Angela Lansbury was a badass from the beginning.  Her first credit on IMDb is "Gaslight" in which she plays the evil maid.  Her third is "The Picture of Dorian Gray" in which she is too good for this world.  She has played all kinds of characters since she was old enough for an MGM contract and no one should be

Depression is a physical illness which is extremely physically painful, not metaphorically painful.  People around the world suffer from it, not just first world people.  You sound like you are trying to treat your own lack of neurotransmitters by artificially stoking your anger. 

Depression is a physical illness which is extremely physically painful, not metaphorically painful.  People around the world suffer from it, not just first world people.  You sound like you are trying to treat your own lack of neurotransmitters by artificially stoking your anger. 

Depression is a biological illness caused by a lack of neurotransmitters.  It is to some extent genetic.  It isn't an attitude problem, so a little less of YOUR self indulgence would be good.