Leave Me Alone

That white woman is the Wicked Witch of the West. When I first saw Brewster McCloud I missed everything about that opening because I was so delighted to see her.

If you believe Trump will do that you will believe anything. His whole life has been desperately trying to be part of the establishment. He personally is incredibly corrupt. You believe he will act in a way he never has in his entire life just because he said he would.

I saw virtually every Colbert Report and he did not mock all Republicans as racist morons ever. I think you never saw the show and believe whatever part of the wing-nut echo chamber you listen to. Creating imaginary bullies so you can feel sorry for yourself is creepy.

and again

Probably, but soon after he will say he was robbed. He will say other things too depending on who he is talking to and what gives him an advantage at that moment.

Probably, but soon after he will say he was robbed. He will say other things too depending on who he is talking to and what gives him an advantage at that moment.

Because it used to be so much better. When Brak and Sealab etc. were on I loved it so much I would tape the entire Sunday night bloc. Now it mostly relies on humor too dumb for me and I like Squidbillies so it's not a high bar.

You are lucky they are both public figures who pretty much cannot sue for defamation because you are a liar. There is no bribery and no "dirty deeds." You do not have a single shred of evidence and don't know the definition of "bribery."

Unlikely. Check out "Other interpretations of the evidence" on Wikipedia page on the Chappaquiddick incident. I don't remember which analysis explained how much more trouble Ted Kennedy would have been in if he had admitted he had let Kopechne drive off alone (it's been a long time since I read this stuff) but

I think it's more that he was too pure in a sense. He was inbred pure English due to marriages between first cousins and believed it was the source of his poor mental and physical health and his parents insanity.

Anyone but Hillary wouldn't have been relentlessly investigated for two decades. Anyone but Hillary wouldn't be subjected to continuing vague accusations when nothing illegal was found. You've been conned.

I was just reading a review in The New Yorker of “White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America” by Nancy Isenberg. It seems on point regarding Lovecraft's degenerate white people. "Travellers through the colonies were greeted by poor whites 'with open sores visible on their bodies,' pallid

Lovecraft definitely suffered from inbreeding. He was 100% English on both sides, which was maintained by way of marriages between first cousins. It's a long time since I read about it but I seem to remember that he considered his family's hereditary mental illness as sort of a curse due to the "sin" of inbreeding.

"One-half of the country’s two major political parties think any recipients of government funds are lazy “takers” leeching off the hard work of benevolent narcissists."

Why do all the ways to ask a technical question just open up a new window? Why did my attempt to email a question fail?

Cheney ordering Ed and Peggy wear the wire, the cops all going along with it, nobody caring about the murdered shop owner, all the cops wearing the same thing, radio silence and much much more are all harder to believe than the UFO. The whole story is unbelievable. It's a postmodern, metadramatic work. The writers

It's going to be Karl leaving with Betsy.

Yes, exactly.

Are we sure Floyd is dead?

I think the UFO is real in the context of the show, both this season and last (remember the fish?) It's the author as god saying he can do anything to make the story work.