Chris Ward

Because someone has to:

Quemore has really been Ubiquitous this week.

@lethargiclad: Up until The Strokes and The Hives and everything, I didn't really get into music heavily - there were still totally great albums that I really enjoyed ("The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill" stands out, I loved the Beastie Boys too, and I'd had my obligatory Beatles phase where I completely exhausted every

@BFF and Montypark: I think 2001 was probably a tipping point for most people currently in their early-to-mid 20s - I was born in '86 and had a similar thing when The Strokes and The White Stripes hit big. Cut me some slack for the three year age gap, see Hyden's Alternative Nation piece from yesterday for the main

"Don't Look Back". That insane preacherman breakdown; the way it seamlessly snaps back to normality ('normality') afterwards; that hook man, that fucking hook. I keep meaning to dig deeper into The Remains, but I'm always a little afraid that nothing else will ever compare. I mean, come on - could anything?

Not just a phone advert
In the UK, most cinemas show adverts for the phone company Orange before the film starts, which always feature big(gish) name stars shilling themselves out in some kind of tongue-in-cheek manner. The last one had Danny Glover starring in an action film where an entire skyscraper was turned into

Raoul don't kill no babies
They should have got Brett Gelman as Billy Crystal as Raoul the Cuban bat-boy from Comedy Death-Ray to play the baby-savin' assassin. He and Jang Dong-gun seem to share certain principles:

LCD Soundsystem are one of the best live bands I've ever, ever seen. I like their records a lot, but holy shit, absolutely nothing compares to the euphoria that takes over a sweaty, dancing, sold-out crowd when they kick into "All My Friends".

You know, it's not that tough being a TV cricket.

Just furthering the love for Minaj, she absolutely destroys on "Monster". I can't tell if it's the lyric itself or her delivery, but 'besides 'Ye/They can't stand besides me' always raises a smile.

No Yo La Tengo?
"Lewis" made me want to go out and find a copy of America's greatest hits because of 'maybe just like you someday I will forget every hit song America ever had/I guess we're all the Lonely People/And Oz never gave nothing to the Tin Man/And I've been through the desert on a Horse Without A Name [cue

Antichrist is the most recent one I can think of. First time round, I knew what was coming going in but had no idea when, so I spent most of the film crossing my legs and silently intoning 'just get it over with Lars, just cut it off, smash them in and let's get on with our lives'. I didn't get on with the

Things have taken an egregious turn.

The most upsetting thing
Well, one of the many, many upsetting things - a mere five years ago Davis Guggenheim was a regular director on "Deadwood". Now, he's overseeing a project for someone who really is to be nothin' but a target for ass-fuckin'.

Filming ahead featuring… actually, you know what? Just go ahead and react like you usually would, and we'll see what sticks.

'Pick a card.'
'A card? What'll I do with the card?'
'You can keep it, I've got fifty-one more.'

I saw Ted Leo in Glagow in May in a 150 venue-capacity venue that was maybe two-thirds full. Barely anyone over here seems to know who he is, he doesn't even have that small-but-devoted level of followers that he seems to have in the US.

The Twilight Sad opening for Camera Obscura. I've no idea who thought to put the two of them together, because other than being Scottish they don't have much in common, but whoever it was totally fucked over Camera Obscura, because after The Twilight Sad played they couldn't help but seem totally anemic and toothless