Chris Ward

I missed seeing Sufjan Stevens tour "Illinois" in a 500-capacity venue for 10 a ticket for the same kind of 'nobody'll go with me, wah!' reason. Needless to say, that's no longer a valid reason when considering whether or not to buy tickets.

Hate to disappoint you Doc, but nope. I'm also not the former drummer with the Ramones, before anyone asks.

Word of advice

It's a pity you didn't sign The Smiths…
…but you were right about Mick Hucknall. His music's rubbish and he's a ginger.

The Other N.R.A.
I can't be the only person who clicked on this expecting something about the National Ringworm Association.

To be fair, this is one of the only places that that would ever happen.

Wackity Schmackity Doo!
Wow, someone who I can't see, nor will I ever see, just fell on his bottom into some butterscotch, and is talking out loud about it the way nobody does - this is *hilarious*.

Yeah, "The Wicker Man" and "Death At A Funeral" really show up Payne for the hack he is…

You're just afterbirth, Eli. You slithered out of your mother's filth. They should have put you in a glass jar on the mantlepiece.

I got "Breakfast At Tiffany's" by Deep Blue Something. Timeless, I'm sure we can all agree.

She'd have more of a point…
…if Dylan was actually trying to be 'authentic', whatever that's supposed to mean. But Dylan's been as much of a shape-shifter throughout his career as Bowie - he certainly didn't originate many of the styles in which he's made music throughout the years, but he's still made them very much

That is fucking awesome work, Mr MOTHERFUCKER. OWNAGE DU CINEMA indeed.

Nobody mentioned Sleazy's yet? Can be a bit of a cunt-hive, especially at weekends with the pre-Art School crowd, but it remains the best place in town to go indie celeb spotting. Before the Twilight Sad gig at the ABC tonight, I clocked both members of Arab Strap, all of Frightened Rabbit, Stuart Braithwaite from

Honest to God true story - mate of mine was walking down Argyle Street and saw a neddy mum pushing a buggy with a four or five year-old girl walking beside her. The wee girl fell, and her mum just looked at her, pointed and said 'haha, you fell ya fud!'

'The Scotch' is a kind of whisky. We as a people are Scottish.

Awrite fannybaws!

It's incredibly surreal seeing 1) so many other Weegies crawl out of the woodwork on the comment boards and 2) references to places that I actually know on the A.V. Club.

Hey other Glaswegian folk - let's hang out. We can all head to Sleazy's and buy Buckie by the glass in a suitable ironic fashion.

All three of his "Outer Limits" episodes are terrific. He's the perfect leading man for that show - he has the kind of looks to pass for a character on "Mad Men", but there's always a hint of barely suppressed mania and paranoia about his perfomances. "The Architects Of Fear" is probably my favourite, if only because

I can understand wanting to preserve the mystery, but I like the way the two work together. Chilton would have been of the first generation to grow up taking rock music that seriously, and I still get shivers every time I hear what sounds to me like a statement of artistic intent and teenage defiance combined into