Chris Ward

I always assumed that the next line, 'rock and roll is here to stay', was what they said about "Paint It Black", that that song was such a high artistic watermark that it was final, irrefutable proof that rock'n'roll wasn't just some passing fad for teenyboppers. That Chilton was able to work that kind of statement

Man, songs like "Thirteen" make me well up at the best of times. Pretty much the entire Big Star discography is going to be nigh on unbearable for a while.

Rock and roll is here to stay, come inside where it's okay, and I'll shake you.

It doesn't mean they're going down the same route, but a support slot with a band like Snow Patrol certainly suggests a compatible sound, especially when they've been hand-picked and not just thrown together by a record company. With the more polished production and without the rawer lyrics of Midnight Organ Fight, I

Yes to this. It feels a lot less specifically personal than Midnight Organ Fight, and a lot more generically 'emotional'. They're opening for Snow Patrol in Glasgow this summer, which I think speaks volumes about the transition they're currently undergoing. Still solid, yeah, but I'd be lying if I said that at this

Ed Wood n00b

Romero BRB

They carry change belts, so you can get your $4.50 back.

The film might be shit…
…but Tracy Morgan was still hilarious on The Daily Show: 'You know me, Jon Stewart, I'm old-school, I don't pull out'. It killed me that he did the full-name-all-the-time Liz Lemon thing with Jon Stewart.

Don't Call Me Buddy, Guy
Was Buddy Guy consulted about his appearance by phone?

The UK DVD/Blu-Ray of "Synecdoche" describes it on the front cover as 'the smash-hit comedy of the year!'. It's not a pull-quote. The distributors genuinely just thought that would be the best way to sell this. That's honestly about as big a mind-fuck as the film itself, because the only words that

You're right. 'It's up there with "A.I."' tells you everything you need to know about my opinion. Because obviously liking "A.I." supercedes anything else I might like or dislike, and so disqualifies me from holding an opinion on anything else. "A.I.", a film so notoriously bad that it only placed at number 32 on this

If it wasn't for *spoiler?* the tacked-on happy ending with the presumed-dead son reappearing at the very last minute bathed in sunlight, and maybe for Tom Cruise being miscast and going batshit on Oprah on the publicity tour for it, the Spielberg version would be so much more highly regarded than it is. In fact, I'd

Confessions Of A Justified Sinner
Dunno how well known it is outside of Scotland - hell, it's not even that well known here, I suppose - but James Hogg's "The Private Memoirs And Confessions Of A Justified Sinner" would make a terrific alternative to another Jekyll & Hyde adaptation. It predates the Stevenson by about

A pretty girl is like a violent crime
If you do it wrong you could do time
But if you do it right, it is sublime

"Abigail, Belle Of Kilronan". When the drums and strings kick in on 'I'm off to the war, but you can be sure I will know you're what I'm fighting for' I still get goosebumps every time.

"The Long Goodbye" for me too, followed by "McCabe" and "Nashville" third. Elliot Gould and Altman deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Scorsese and DeNiro as a director/actor partnership that brings out the best in each other.

"A Prairie Home Companion"'s in my top ten of the last decade. It's an absolutely beautiful piece of work, and I totally agree with the Senator from Nevada that it ranks as one of the great final statements of any director. It might not necessarily hit the heights of "Nashville" - what does? - but it's the last film

My theory's always been that Spider-Man 3 was Raimi's spiteful reaction to the forced inclusion of Venom, i.e. 'fine, I'll use him, but I'll fuck it up deliberately to show you just what a bad idea it is'. The first two - and, subsequently, Drag Me To Hell - are too good for me to seriously believe that the third

Nothing personal, you understand, but at such close proximity you really gotta up your game to make the death puns overcome the dubious taste. Or at least get Norm MacDonald to deliver them the way he did his material at Bob Saget's roast. '8 Mile? More like 6 Feet. Under!' And so on.