Chris Ward

Can we wish flaming canceraids on you anyway?

He thinks he's people!

Born 1986, eldest child who's never seen The Goonies, so find a couple more of us and you can extend the parameters of your corollary, Koski. And whilst I've seen Ghostbusters, I didn't until I was about 13, 14, and picked up the DVD cheap, because it was still relatively early days for DVD and 'cheap' was hard to

[Appropriation of the title to describe the film's quality]
It's been out in the UK for a few weeks now, presumably because of a deeper national connection to Roald Dahl or something. I saw it on opening day as both an unabashed Anderson fanboy who was nevertheless a little bit let down by DARJEELING (which I still

"Basket Case". Watched it Friday night as part of an all-night Halloween horror movie marathon with some friends, and it was a riot. I really like the way low-budget horror films from that era look - dunno if it's the film stock or whatever, but I'm thinking stuff like "Re-Animator" and the first "Evil Dead" too, they

'So I think that'll be a hip new way to say you're both.'

Having now seen it, the sinking feeling is confirmed. Sigh.

'This Video Is Not Available In Your Location'
Any alternative sources out there to confirm/repudiate the horrible sinking feeling I got from the teaser?

God yes. Why has nobody thought of this already? Tracy Morgan could stop by for occasional guest spots too.

ARGH *threw* Toby Young on a fire, on which I will also now go die.

I think I mentioned this at the time the film was released in cinemas too, but Will Self once through Toby Young on a fire, thus adding to the long list of reasons why Will Self is awesome.

@TomWaits - Hey man, I'm Scottish - the Puritans that came your way had nothing to do with us. We kept ours to ourselves.

@Jeff The Dog: see, now that kind of context I can understand getting upset over (not necessarily five years later, but still…). But not having seen the clip in question and only picking up details from dissections of it all afterwards, this is the first I've heard that mentioned. All the attention seems to be focused

I would actually be alright with the Mail being proved right if the proof was death by dehydration due to excessive masturbation, if only because they'd be so conflicted about flaunting it.

Seriously America…
…a couple of months back, Channel Four in the UK screened a virtual life-drawing class at lunchtime, with full frontal from both sexes presented in a resoundingly unsexy fashion and a voiceover from a cheerfully eccentric old English art teacher. There was the expected brief outcry from Daily Mail

Sheeeeeeeit, when the real Zodiac sees this the ownage is gonna be off the chart. [Pulls up a chair.]

Needs more boar.

Ah, okay - never occurred to me at the time, but I can see it in retrospect.

Scott, what was the Wizard Of Oz reference you mentioned in the NPR review? Nothing springs immediately to mind except for maybe the giant head-on-a-screen surrounded by flames at the climax in the cinema?

I dunno…
…even though Sigourney Weaver's in it, and she and Cameron have certainly demonstrated top form together in the past, I'm not entirely convinced by this. The first half seems alright, but when it shifts into what looks to be almost total CG in the second half it begins to look like nothing so much as one of