
Like in Münster. I would not mind if he ends up in a cage above Baelon's Sept.

But he wasn't shooting silver paint.

But who is Silver Ballz?

And based on how old you sound, that ten bucks, adjusted for inflation, would be about $235.96 now.

'I'm a nerdy old man. People didn't like me in high school, and now I hate things that young people like.'

Are they shooting in Georgia? Georgia has crazy tax subsidies for TV shows. That's also why fellow FX-show Archer is made in Georgia. 

Vague, inconsequential spoilers:

Most movies would be vastly improved if they "fell apart in the second half" like The Big Lebowski.

Amador learned an important lesson. You don't bring a knife to a gut fight.

Now that AB InBev has moved Beck's production to St. Louis, that's a bet you will win. You could probably switch the labels on the tanks and no one would notice.

The character in her songs is basically a parody of a pop starlet. Based on her NPR interview, she sounds like a reasonably smart, kinda nerdy girl. This show could be pretty good. http://www.keshasparty.com/…

He should have offered to put a boot our ass instead.

He should have offered to put a boot our ass instead.

He's just being patriotic. I don't see what the big deal is.

He's just being patriotic. I don't see what the big deal is.

In real life, I once met a homeless guy who claimed that he used to deliver drugs to 30 Rock for the Jewish mafia, and then do champagne and blow with Chevy Chase. I'm not sure if that counts as magical.

In real life, I once met a homeless guy who claimed that he used to deliver drugs to 30 Rock for the Jewish mafia, and then do champagne and blow with Chevy Chase. I'm not sure if that counts as magical.

Did it bother anyone else how long they made it seem as Karofsky had died before they revealed that he didn't? After the attempt, his dad finding him, the commercial break, the scene with Figgins, and the start of the God Squad scene, it seemed really cheap to reveal that Karofsky lived. The show found a way to make

I hope he brings his moustache from The Good Guys. Dan Stark and Ron Swanson should be friends.