BucketHead Wendy

I forgot how much I liked that ending, Throreau. And the fact that the judging process made their actual performance - the one they've spent all season working toward - pretty much irrelevant. Stuff like that is why I think this is a genuinely great show.

That guy was GREAT.

Exactly. For me, this was the best episode since the Pilot, easily. Whatever it is about the pacing or tone of the pilot that made it so awesome, this episode had it, and the writers need to figure out how to do it more often.

I'm totally fine with Brittany just briefly interrupting scenes with ridiculous random utterances a few times an episode.

Nice, Frogwise.

There was all that talk about the kids, but the truth is that Betty doesn't especially like them. Don does, but he can't really be Don Draper Single Dad or anything. So I hope they keep Carla around, otherwise they're pretty much on their own. Poor Sally. She'll be hitchhiking braless to Woodstock in a few years

I've always thought it was funny that everyone else had angst and secrets and secret babies but Ken was always just like "Hey, let's go to a ballgame!" They may or may not need that kind of guy next year.

I'm so glad people are jumping on the Pete love wagon. It's a little creepy and rapey up here every now and then but we also have Trudy and her hats.

Even staff can't delete comments? How many adjectives do you need to have in your job title before you can delete your own double posts? Demand more adjectives!

HA, he's the "Who told?" kid! Oh my god. He's my new favorite person.

Yeah, you said that first, huh. That pause was the exact precise funniest length of time possible.

"Yeah. …I'm funny."

hey, you guys
Have you guys noticed that some people are comparing this show to Arrested Development? Have you noticed that?

I feel dirty.
I had an uncomfortably visceral reaction to this episode. Framing a pretty fucking depressing episode with seriously fucking depressing real-life events made it an aggressively, uncomfortably sad hour of television. I'm going to need to watch The Soup or something before I go to bed.

I can't believe I love two entire new sitcoms.
"If you said 'jump,' he'd say 'how high? If you said "stop," he'd say 'hammertime.'"

That's what I'm talkin bout.
Phil annoyed the hell out of me in the pilot, and all of a sudden this episode I was laughing out loud every time he said or did pretty much anything.

I liked it too.
Fake pregnancy crazy wife lady was blessedly absent, and that by itself changed the whole tone. And anyone who calls this show happy hasn't seen it - everybody's miserable unless they're performing overproduced compressed yet charming show choir numbers. That's pretty sad.

Speaking of Eliza Dushku, the opening credits are really starting to piss me off.

He's been fantastic from day one. I was one of the few who didn't see it coming a mile away that he was a doll in the first place, and I think that was in part due to how completely awesome he played it.

Why do Nielson families hate television, and America?