BucketHead Wendy

He's the PR guy. That's his job, pretty much, right? He gave Congress their homework, now he gets to go reassure the masses by being preternaturally charming.

Me too. And Pete.

Ha, "Herman's Head" existed.

I like how many of these comments are about reading it in one sitting. I couldn't put it down - I can't remember the last time I devoured a book like this. And when it decided to get creepy, holy crap was it creepy. That nice visceral dreamy kind of creepy. Fantastic.

I think the scattershot, sketch-like structure (or lack thereof) is exactly what makes it rewatchable. Which episode is this? It doesn't matter! At some point some one-liner will make me giggle while I'm folding laundry or whatever, and there, it has done its job.

I like Family Guy just fine. McFarlane is a great voice actor and his delivery is where most of the humor comes from for me. The cutaway gags are just gags. Sometimes they're funny, sometimes they're not. When it gets annoying I fast forward. It's just as hit-or-miss as South Park for me.

It's absolutely a grownup show, and I think a lot of that is the group dynamic, it's very different. I didn't especially like Angel on Buffy the first time around, but I ended up liking him so much on Angel that I changed my mind this time. Also, because it cannot be said enough, WESLEY.

I'm also one of the ten or twelve people who loved that relationship. I mean SPOILER SPOILER SPOILERTASTIC it's an unhealthy but passionate relationship between two people who don't belong anywhere. And are both half-dead. I think we underestimate Buffy's trauma when they ripped her out of the afterlife, and how

Hush, but no spoilers (unless you didn't guess it was scary and funny)
I've been pretty good about keeping the 3-a-week pace, but this week I couldn't, because Hush was RIGHT THERE, and how could I not watch it? So I watched it, and then I watched it with Joss Whedon filling in blanks and admonishing himself for

I experienced serious nerd overload when I saw that. Space nerd/TV geek worlds collided and it was awesome.

I like Riley just fine - some nice middle ground between "only this soulful vampire can know my pain, let's mope together" and having to spend an entire relationship pretending not to be a superhero. They can talk shop but they can also, you know, be outside. And have sex ("Those are good arms to have!"). He's not my

"I know you're trying to be fancy over there! You're doing something really French!"

*shakes fist at heavens*

Yes! This could have been an entirely different character. Brad Dourif is absolutely amazing. One of the best performances in a show with a metric shit-ton of good performances.

That tableau is possibly my favorite image of the series.

Echoing everyone else re: David Boreanaz and Angel the character. The whole forbidden slayer/vampire love thing is pretty perfect, and the soul/curse/atonement thing is really clever, but you can only do so much with it here. I didn't especially enjoy Angel until he moved on to LA, and by S2 I loved the

I've been watching these with everybody, and I've also been watching the TNT reruns of Angel S4. So it's Wackily British Wesley one minute and "I'll take away your bucket" Wesley the next, and it's fantastic to watch.

This show has probably my favorite ensemble in the history of ever. Ian McShane (deservedly) gets most of the acclaim for his performance, but really, absolutely everyone else does an amazing job as well. This can't be easy dialogue to pull off. (If you've never seen Timothy Olyphant in anything else, watch Go

I simply cannot say the word "business" anymore in casual conversation.

Ben and Nina
Ben and Nina are my favorite couple on TV. This whole show could be about them and I'd watch.