BucketHead Wendy

They didn't vote for the black girl either, or the other black girl, or the blind guy, or the Indian guy, or those other white guys. America hates everybody!

Either that, or it's a TV show.

As a red state girl, I'm glad I don't know anybody who cares that much about American Idol.

Apples and oranges, my friend! Everybody's been peeing all over themselves about Adam since the beginning, so it was cool to see Kris sneak up and get it.

They really should have known better than to end on that Queen thing, just in case Kris won, because duh, of course Adam's going to win the Queen thing! Don't make us look stupid for wanting Kris! In fact, the whole finale formula favors Adam. But the Kris montage reminded me how he never really had any

Agreed about "who told?" That kid was perfect.

I am freaking fascinated by that show. (I'm actually watching it right now, and on that show, photographers are Acclaimed, not Noted. That's probably the difference.)

It's the finale I've always dreamed of! For the past few weeks!"Heartless" was the best song choice in the history of ever. Well played, sir.

Kris broke my AI voting cherry with that song. Maybe there are enough of us to cancel out the Gokey vote, because yeah, I thought he was obviously, easily the worst of the night.

Yeah, I thought about Noel and Donna too during the ten seconds of footage, which is a really weird creepy thing to say about complete strangers.

Everybody did forget about him though, right? Except Paula? If it had been "Wishing Well" I would have given the man his due.

I voted for Kris With A K
I feel like I've crossed a line somehow. I can never go back to a world in which only other people voted for American Idol.

They're Jesus People too? I thought Danny was the designated Jesus Person. Either way, I think Kris is Korruptible.

From now or after the tour? I'll take over for now, under if we're starting after the summer.

Good show tonight!
I like Kris's voice a lot. He's got kind of a Jason Mraz thing going, which I mean in the nicest possible way.

Maybe the evidence was for blackmailing purposes? We know you did it, here's our proof, that sort of thing?

God dammit.
I can't hold out any longer - I actively like Lambert, for the love of christmas. He had me with the Gary Jules arrangement.

Can't HBO buy this show?
What else do they have going? They owe us for Deadwood, and this show is great for a lot of the same reasons (including McShane).

Also, Kenneth got an awesome keychain for his birthday. "Every time you move his head, his head moves!"

I thought what it mostly did was to illustrate how actual people feel about the ethics of the whole thing. Some people were appalled, some said hey, not a bad deal, where do I sign, etc. just like everyone's been doing here and other places nerds sit around and talk about imaginary ethical issues. There weren't many,