BucketHead Wendy

I like her. She has that weird Billie Holiday inflection that's at least interesting for a few weeks while we have to listen to a lot of bland karaoke wedding reception band kinds of vocals. I like that she actually does sound different, instead of just "hello, I sound just like every other girl but I have tattoos so

He said he "found" this arrangement, which I assume means the same as when David Cook "found" Chris Cornell's arrangement of Billie Jean. Which I actually loved because I love David Cook, but it's a little lame to do a cover of somebody else's cover. So was that a cover of a cover too?

I think I just get weirdly defensive about Dolly Parton songs in general because I love her so much.

retro, I cannot imagine watching this thing any other way. I really enjoy it when it's about 30 minutes long, but I would probably hate it if I actually had to watch all two hours of it. I have a special kind of love for those kinds of shows. (ANTM, I'm lookin' at you.)

I knew they were both on tonight, but I was really hoping they were performing together. That would be super awesome.

My TV told me "Kanye West and Kelly Clarkson perform." I was really, really hoping it would be together.

Show Choir
Those jazz hands medleys are just awful. I know they can't just all stand still and sing, but surely there's some middle ground! Every single time I see them, especially at this stage when there are so many, I think "Gettin' Gay With Kids."

Actual modeling advice from Tyra Banks
"You have to make sound effects, inside yourself."

A reminder how important bugfuck crazies are to art in general. Kidfucker's a little rough to get around, yeah, but Beck's a scientologist and I do okay.

All I can think of when I see Kara is how easy she's making it for Kirsten Wiig.

Michael Jackson!
I surprised and embarrassed myself when I realized how happy I was that it was Michael Jackson week.

Michael Jackson!
I surprised and embarrassed myself when I realized how happy I was that it was Michael Jackson week.

Not especially. I mean, we've sort of been told why it was Chuck who got the intersect, but it's never really made sense to me (or Chuck, I don't think). If spies pop up a lot in Chuck's life then maybe that's just an indication that it's all less random than we think it is.

There's another version?

This would be an entirely different show without Adam Baldwin. That performance is, as they say, the tits. (Do they still say that?)

Yeah, I find myself not minding at all if Chuck's dad was Orion. Just because I saw it coming a mile away doesn't mean it can't be super cool. I love when TV tricks me but I don't mind when it doesn't, as long as it pays off. Plus maybe it's a chance to make Ellie interesting,maybe even get her involved, get better

I love that the statue faces the ocean. A statue!!! Hasn't anyone ever gone over to The Foot to just poke around a little? Surely there's some interesting shit there, right?

Eyeliner? Egyptian? Eh? Eh?

Sawyer episodes are pretty much always fantastic. Just like Locke episodes. The opposite of Kate episodes. Josh Holloway has really done this show a favor - Sawyer looked a whole lot like a boring punchline machine for awhile, and I think his performance is what made him a fascinating, complicated punchline machine

I hope Juliet and Sawyer stay together as well. Jack and Kate deserve each other. They can spend the rest of their lives emoting and gnashing their teeth and feeling sorry for themselves and Sawyer and Juliet can both be badasses and shoot things and also probably have lots of sex. Everybody's happy!