BucketHead Wendy

I agree - I thought Anoop looked kind of terrified.

Ha! Cocoa for cuckoo poops. That line all by itself made her entire run worth it for me.

TiVo stoppers
They shove those scenes in there so we'll all stop fast-forwarding and maybe we'll accidentally get advertised to. It works for me on Top Chef, but not this. Also, did I really see Tom Colicchio doing a Diet Coke commercial? Diet Dr. Pepper is not going to like this.

I think the evolution of what Jack is willing to believe, how he's willing to prioritize, what he's capable of doing in the name of "the right thing" etc - that was all a huge huge part of this episode for me. He had "I can't believe I'm doing this" type dialogue all over the place, so I think that was kind of the

The awesome throwaway white shoes story was fantastic, and I LOVED watching Jack carefully changing Locke's shoes, even stuffing the toes so they'd fit properly. A really nice intimate little gesture, I'm sure smarter people have already deconstructed the symbolism in any number of ways somewhere on this giant thread.

She had a good point about going to fancyass dinners where you're stuck with water if you don't (or can't!) drink alcohol. So the pregnant women and people on strong antibiotics and recovering alcoholics probably appreciated that. But in terms of the actual competition I wish it had counted against her just enough to

Sadjeans, that's exactly what this is. You can stand just off the platform and have 1-minute conversations with everyone at the bar, one after the other, while they slooowly glide past. It's also one of those places where like, Faulkner and Hemingway got drunk. That's a long list, obviously, but it's still cool.

This is the part where I tell you you wouldn't say such a thing if you had my mom's macqe choux. But no, I agree. The first time I ever had rabbit it was at Commander's and it was part of a really simple pastry dish actually. Carla and Jeff won this thing by a mile, they're the ones who cooked things could imagine

"This ceviche has all the subtlety of a terrifying apocalyptic clusterfuck that drowns an entire city."

I loved that they noticed. They said exactly what people were saying on this board last week, and that is why I like all of them. Except Hosea.

yay new orleans
I think the catering part of this challenge was to get them to make food for actual people. By which I mean, people rich enough to belong to Orpheus. Capture the essence of the culture and all that. They'll get all fancy next time.

"In five years we'll all be working for him…or dead by his hand."

I can see how that would be an advantage, yes.

Is that how this is going to work? The top votegetters go through automatically but the judges pick the wild cards? I didn't understand. Ryan needed some visual aids or a pie chart or something.

I truly underestimated him before I saw this show. He earns every penny of his absurdly huge salary. Hope you're sleeping well on your giant pile of money, Seacrest! You deserve it!

Actual things said tonight
Ryan, re: Simon:"For awhile, you had us thinking you had that organ we all have."
Paula, re: Pink Hair Girl: "You're so tiny, but what you have inside you is so huge!" Heh. Dick jokes.

SPP - interesting, I have no idea what you mean. I've always liked how in any given Whedon show, the smartest person in the room was pretty much always a woman (Willow, Fred, River). They were frequently also the most likely person in the room to kick your ass. The entire premise of Buffy is "what if that little blond

I pretty much agree with Smilner, but I'll add that if anything, the premise seems to be an indictment/exploration/social commentary on people who use pretty women as if they were objects, rather than "isn't it cool how people use pretty women as if they were objects?" (If I had to guess, I'd say that's what the

I concur.
This was a cooler bank heist movie than most bank heist movies. I'm glad this show has found such a nice groove. And apparently people are paying attention to it! Go figure.

Know what he is? He's dashing.