BucketHead Wendy

For the record, I missed that in high definition. I guess there's so much going on in the actual story I sort of forgot to pay attention to the fun little easter eggy things. Nice catch.

I'm gonna go with Borderline Personality Disorder. That girl is kookoo batshit nuts.

Interesting, Wookie (sic). Has there ever been a time flash when they've been physically separated from one of the non-island-native people? Maybe that's the only way to fix it.

Someone had to tell Sun that it was Ben who set off the blast on the boat. She's on an honest to goodness vengeance mission, so presumably she knows about Keamy and all that. Ben and Locke were the only people there.

That's what I assumed too. Did we ever figure out why Des could see Charlie's impending death, several times, but not anybody else's


I was just thinking that. And yes, probably we were. But the point is, these kids today! Get off my lawn! And that bikini girl was just dead inside, I guess I can't really fault her for that.

I concur, but I also want to punch bikini girl in the teeth. So it's a wash.

Rose is Jason Castro with a uterus. I have the exact same inappropriate but largely chaste crush on her as I did on him, and I hope someone gives her his number and they can go be all barefoot and dreamy together. Also, if she makes it past tomorrow, she's going to need some pointers on how to hide her weed.

I know they were at Commander's a couple of weeks ago. Surely it's time for them to do a season there, no?

I didn't realize until tonight how much I'd miss Fabio. "You fucked up, you go home, how sounds that?" His little "I know I was an asshole for starting a fight with you and I'll keep that in mind" bit at the end seemed genuine.

You could tell Carla's was better because hers was Crawfish Gumbo and his was Crayfish Crudo. Crayfish. As if.

Rose and Bernard are the other great love story. And they're the only ones left who, so far, are just regular people whose plane crashed on a crazy smoke monster island. I think we need a couple of those for perspective.

My interest in Kate has from day one ranged from indifference to mild annoyance. I'm fine with that, I don't have to love everybody like I love Desmond, but no, I don't especially care what happens to her either. The interesting part of the custody battle is who's sending lawyers to pester her about her pretend kid?

Yeah, that whole Time Whiplash Crazy she seems to have, which I guess might be The Sickness we keep hearing about, is seriously horror-movie terrifying. Coma > bedridden and insane due to brain bouncing around spacetime at unpredictable intervals. I assume that's what Charlotte's getting, and that shot from the

I go back and forth calling him Guyliner and Batmanuel. I never think of him as Richard Alpert.

I have asked my television out loud if it was fucking kidding me like twelve times since last Wednesday. Some of those times I was talking about Chris Paul, but most of it was all the Lostgasms. I didn't see that Widmore reveal coming at all, not even with the accent! I have no problem with seeing twists coming

For shame.
Hey, New Orleans person, that was a cheap move sending those two things together in one box. My feelings are hurt on behalf of those poor poor Craw Tators. As an honest to goodness coonass I feel I should point out that, in my experience at least, absolutely everyone loves Zapp's any way we can get them,

inaugural shmanagural!
I too was despondent to see that Obama failed to fart out rainbows of world peace during his inaugural address. All we wanted was the absolute greatest speech in the history of the universe, with enough catchy soundbites to fill a 50-state set of commemorative quarters! Is that too much to ask?

This show is Magnum PI plus The A-Team plus MacGyver if MacGyver was a total badass and cool as a freaking cucumber and gave the audience voiceover MacGyver lessons. And hung out with Bruce Campbell.