BucketHead Wendy

I agree that Gabrielle Anwar needs to eat a sandwich, but she looked positively curvy next to the medical scammy woman she was girlfighting with. Dear lord, those were the weirdest most distracting man-abs I've seen on a beautiful woman in a long time. Disturbing.

Speaking of New Orleans and Bubba Gump's, please do not go all the way to New Orleans and then eat at Bubba Gump's. You're in New Orleans, for fucksakes. Also, don't wear beads when it's not Mardi Gras. But those giant plastic handles they give you when your daiquiri is comically large? Those are fine.

I guess my thing is, it's a freaking game. So he played and played way longer than he thought he would. I don't think he's under any obligation to look like he cares, but also, it's not like he's surly about it or anything. He's having fun.

I'm glad I didn't look at this list until now, or I would have been extra super underwhelmed by everybody, instead of just regular underwhelmed.

I love Jason. These shows are full of people who take themselves WAY too seriously, and Jason's just kind of bemused by the entire spectacle. It's fun to watch.

I thought that same thing. Maybe he meant that Jason in particular shouldn't do Bob Marley.

Weird Jason Vitriol
I mean, I knew they'd hate it, of course, but that seemed like, actively, arbitrarily cruel. Nobody was especially helpful, just weirdly vitriolic. It's just some cute kid with dumb hair, guys. Chill out.

If we never see Rousseau again, it's a waste of a cool story and a great actress.

I liked the confirmation of Miles' abilities. There was speculation that he was just a con artist, but no, he's a con artist who really can hear dead people.

Yeah, I think I'm officially rooting for Anya. She and Fatima are the only ones left who look like models, and she's the only one who hasn't just arbitrarily decided to hate someone else in the house. Plus, Anya's My Life As A Cover Girl segments would be so. awesome.

Have we had "Tyra Shows Up At The House Unannounced And Makes All The Girls Cry, One By One, By Methodically Prodding Until Some Childhood Trauma Emerges" yet?

Now that Lauren is gone I am forced to transfer my girlcrush onto Whitney, who I like all of a sudden. My favorite is when the other girls talk about how "she's so comfortable in her own skin." Subtext: "somehow she is able to overlook the fact that she is so grossly obese that she can barely fit into her own