
I am still not completely on board with the two middle episodes, especially Summer, but boy did Fall land perfectly.
Everything about it was so good. Rory is not supposed to be a perfect person, I've been saying this for years, and this revival finally cements her as a great character, albeit a very flawed person.

Well it just so happens that I did binge watch this show when I casually decided to give the pilot a go on Netflix and then was completely hooked and just had to get myself to this point.
Seriously, how great is this show? I don't care about how unrealistic it is (I'm following shows about zombies and masked serial

Carol's philosophy will never cease to amaze me. Although I have to admit, at least she's been really consistent through it all.

I was watching the episode with captions on, and it said: "Rick's Voice: Open the Gates!" - but captions could be wrong.

I SO agree with you. It actually scares me to see so many comments to the contrary here, as if killing anything that might potentially pose a threat to you somewhere along the line would be a viable philosophy to live by, even during the Zombie Apocalypse.
Thing is, as many point out, Carol and Rick are "protecting

Thank you AV Club for giving me a tiny strand of hope, which will inevitably lead me to throw my tv out of the window next week when we find out that my favourite character and the best person on this show really is dead.
Without Glenn, nothing makes sense any more.

You're not a moron, I also thought he got bit and I was just waiting for him to cut his hand off. But I realised that with Glenn being dead (?) I don't care about anyone else any more.

I know this is probably a dead end, but let me start a petition here to revive the recaps, in view of the upcoming Netflix new episodes omgimsoexcited etc.
Right? Right?!

So, maybe one of the reasons we're watching this is because we missed Glee? It would quite fit into my theory of Glee being like crack.
This thing is the result of some really, really bad hallucinations.

There are some things that confuse me.
1) Why do I keep on coming back to this show?
My best theory is that it's, on paper, something that I'm supposed to love: Mean Girls meets cheesy teen comedy meets slasher. But I do also love continuity in tv shows, or at least some semblance of it, and all I get from Scream

I will miss Glee so much, actually.

Well, killing the town's only doctor is hardly going to play off better..

I was just thinking about it the other day, and Rachel has cheated on literally every boyfriend/romantic interest she had during the six seasons. Except Puck, maybe.

Carol is being a tad overdramatic, I feel. If Alexandria is supposed to be civilisation, and Rick is the law, they bloody well don't need to kill the abusive husband, just arrest him. I would rather watch them taking the town by working carefully from the inside, and see the conflict pan out between Deanna and Rick

Don't get me wrong, I love Jesse St James, always have loved him and always thought he and Rachel should end up together, so yay. But… wasn't she dating Sam like for a minute, a couple of episodes ago? Are they going to pretend that never happened? That's not a very nice thing to do, Miss Berry.

Two thoughts: Carol is scary as hell, and damn is Rick hot all scrubbed up.
I like this kind of character development in a show.

"Fox News: a global brand known worldwide for being fair and balanced" has got to be the single funniest thing ever said on Glee.

There were a couple of scenes towards the end of a couple of episodes from early season 5 - No Sanctuary, and Coda - showing Morgan tracking down Rick. First out of Terminus, by following the trails left by Terminus people on trees, then in theory to Washington after having seen Abraham's map with message to Rick.

I actually liked this episode. Sure, some of the acting was sloppy and that kid is obnoxious, but it felt like watching something out of season 1 (ok.. maybe 2), all about the kids, excluding the return of the Hurt Locker and the DESTROY THE GLEE CLUB madness (which, frankly, why?!). The musical numbers were good, new

I have a question: I might have missed this in the past few episodes, but why is Artie also back with the New Directions? (and not doing anything with it, of course) Did they explain why he's not in New York at his film school anymore?