
Right on, Noel
My chick watches GH and I got sucked in right before the whole Franco thing. Maxie and Spinelli (who I referred to as The Dork and Angular Girl for the first three weeks I watched) is the easiest storyline for newbies like us to latch onto, I think.

Fezzie must have loved that.

I thought issue #1 was a waste of a good premise, but this review might get me to give it another look.

Baron Von Shock
I'm surprised by the positive review for the Rob Zombie book.

I've known about the episode and what happens since the show aired, but I never saw it until this week. It was pretty brutal. Noel is going to be impressed, I think.

I actually like the soundtrack better as an album than as a score. I listened to the Suspiria soundtrack in my car in the middle of the afternoon and got creeped out by it. "WITCH!" Spooky shit.

Just a Touch is awesome. What in the world! Women in! Black!

Chronic Town/ Dead Letter Office
Automatic for the People
Out of Time
Life's Rich Pageant
New Adventures

It was pretty good. So far the best Boom! Kids offering for my money has been Darkwing Duck. The Muppet Show books are pretty terrific also.

It's too bad. I liked Joe Kelly's JLA (but not J.L.Elite).

Is all this some Ayn Rand bullshit?

Ben Edlund also has something to do with Supernatural, which I saw for the first time yesterday AND IS AWESOME

I'm watching Angel for the first time now, and Cordy seems like 10 years older than the Buffy cast. Her character is having mid-to-late-20's problems, not 19-year-old problems.

Computer re-coloring butchered those expensive Batman by Neal Adams hardcovers from a few years ago.

Bullshit. I will never stop bragging.

Oooh, and another story I wrote is like William Gibson! I love this website.

I write like David Foster Wallace
Suck it, hipsters

Holy shit, I've never read any of the comics and never even knew that was Pekar in the movie, but that segment of Comic Book Confidential blew me away as a teenager. Fuck, I gotta read some American Splendor.

Psst- the letter grades are meaningless

Homie the Clown isn't just my favorite Simpsons episode, it's my favorite anything episode.