and most importantly the art is attractive for the first time in years. Marcos Martin, Javier Pulido, Joe Quinones… really nice-looking stuff, not that Imagey garbage.
and most importantly the art is attractive for the first time in years. Marcos Martin, Javier Pulido, Joe Quinones… really nice-looking stuff, not that Imagey garbage.
You only read the "serious" arcs. The best stuff post-BND have been one and two issue stories and teamups. They've brought humor and lighthearted superheroics back to the book, which had gotten way way way too serious during the JMS run). Two weeks ago there was a Morbius done-in-one that was a hoot.
Loeb used to be good. The "color" Marvel books are decent, and I love Long Halloween/ Dark Victory and Superman for all Seasons. I think Tim Sale is the real brains behind the operation though…everything Loeb writes without him is awful.
That is a fucking fantastic album cover.
Yeah Sparkle, you're way off. This was a great topic.
That was horrendous
Santa Monica, thaaaank you. I don't care if it's really about Night Surf or not, from now on that song officially doesn't suck. Thanks, Miller!
I liked Superstar Car Wash.
When you've been drinking all night and the bar is turning the lights on and everybody's leaving, it's a great fucking song.
What's the one about the ocean, something something watch the world die? That's the only Everclear song that ever did anything for me.
You can see Vitamin C's titties in that vampire movie.
Time of Your Life = uuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhh
Millenium fucking rules. Loved that song
Chemistry is a terrific pop song. My old gym used to play it constantly, and I never knew it was the "closing time" band.
That TVTropes website is not as clever as it thinks it is.
Fuck you you fucking fucks
Tobias is a fucking saint for putting up with all this "It's not really a cult movie because it's new and I've never heard of it and blah blah blah" every goddamn week. Go post on IMDB or Aintitcool like the knuckledragging dickbags you are.
What the fuck is wrong with Archie comics? Breyfogle drew in the new "realistic" style they were experimenting with, and it looked pretty nice.
Go look: http://ohdannyboy.blogspot….
I hated Mantlo as a kid, mainly because his dialogue was so weird.
The Question was amazing for 1987- really unique for a mainstream DC superhero book of the time. It doesn't hold up all that well, but for the time it was pretty daring stuff. You had a hero who is kind of an asshole, in a superhero/ martial arts book that condemns the use of violence.
It seems like O'Neill was…
I own two pieces of original art, and they are both Norm Breyfogle's Batman and Robin. Breyfogle is THE Batman artist in my mind, over and above Marshal Rogers, Neal Adams, Aparo, Miller, etc. Just beautiful stuff.