
The wormhole is placed where it is so that Cooper can be rescued when he comes out of it. That was my takeaway. If it had been closer to Earth, well, the Earth is abandoned by the time he emerges.

Wow. Okay, did you read what he wrote? Here it is again. It's NOT a "dimension made up of nothing but the back of a bookcase". It is a 3 dimensional construct of a 4th dimensional concept created by 5th dimensional beings. They needed a way for him to experience time the way they do. It's not the goddamn back of

Uh, you're damn right the other neighboring countries wanted to "destroy" (read as re-take or re-conquer) Israel. But you see, it's not that they "cared more" about that then justice for the Palestinians, they did not (and probably do not to this day) see these as separate issues. In what way does attempting to

Bombarding Palestine with missiles literally EVERY DAY would be redundant for Israel. After we'd conquered Iraq and took Baghdad, you know what happened? We stopped bombing it and pelting it with missiles. Because we'd already "won". The fact that the Iraqis then welcomed us as liberators with IED's and suicide

I don't recall justifying violence against anybody or "basically waving away" anything. In response to the original poster's specific comment that Israel abandoning it's "defenses" would result in annihilation, I disputed this. My "taste of their own medicine" comment was meant to indicate my belief that what would

So Israel's enemies (I assume you mean their neighbors), have weapons, while Israel has "defenses". Cute. Yes, the minute the Palestinians put their weapons (rocks?) down, they can go back to being a peaceful, brutalized population of forgotten people that don't even get on the news anymore. Much like they were

Haha.  To me, actually, the saddest part of all of this is that Snyder's crime seems to be…  doing exactly what the studio hired him to do.  They brought him in to do a big, loud, tentpole summer movie for them to hang a franchise on, and he delivered.  The fact that he crammed in as much Ma and Pa Kent, character


Walker:  Damn, it's an honor to work with you again, Vin.  You are truly - wait did you fall asleep standing up again?  Wake up, fucker!

Dave Magadan

Well, technically, the NBA owners locked out the players.  The players didn't go on strike.  The MLB strike was an actual out-and-out strike by the players against ownership.

Very different
My interpretation of where Jet is coming from in this episode is much, much different than anything I've seen in the comments so far. Simon doesn't seem to be taking into account much of the background info we get in this episode about Alisa and Rhint's situation, other than the gigolo thing. Alisa's

People call it manipulation both because she's using her relationships, which a lot of the time are too flimsy to really justify the risks she asks people to run, to get people to do things they wouldn't normally do and SHOULDN'T normally do; and because what Veronica refers to as "favors" the legal system generally

It does seem pretty clear that the success of The Sixth Sense has had the ultimate effect of poisoning Shyamalan's career. Unbreakable is probably his best film, but people wanted another ghost story and his psychological drama/comic book movie missed the comic movie boom by a good 3 or 4 years. And the backlash

Did We Change the Meaning of "Pinnacle"?
"By every objective standard, Joan Rivers has reached the pinnacle of success in comedy. She's a pioneer, an icon, and a consummate survivor"