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    Mario 64 was a terrible game. All that BS about an immersive 3d environment that you get to explore, with little to no sense of momentum, completely lost what the games before it were all about. The Galaxy games have been a welcome restoration of momentum, and the way that the levels are given linearity is a very


    But what if Adam Scott was only in the first few episodes of next season? If Party Down's seasons start so much later than Parks and Rec, then isn't it possible that he could actually spend a fair amount of time in the third season of Parks, gracefully exit, and then do the full season of Party Down?

    this idea is so bad that if it were on the wilder vilderama episode of snl as a 5 minute skit, it would only just barely work.

    hey guys, it was my idea that I be getting a blowjob
    I'd be proud too.

    It made me think of rap lyrics as transcribed by grandpa.

    I'm pretty sure he doesn't say -ger.

    I was going to reccomend Jawyer for juliet and sawyer, but then realized it sounded like jack and sawyer. how's that for a twist!

    Was Maya Deren a part of the avant garde? Meshes of the Afternoon had a narrative. I could imagine someone arguing that Wavelength superimposes the idea of narrative onto the technical aspects of film, although maybe that would just maintain the seperate identity of the Structuralists, and would also sound

    Saying that aids jokes have been done to death seems to be in very poor taste.

    Also the song from desmond's flashback was a cover of wonderwall, not a drive shaft original.