Salvador Dolly

I don't own an e-reader of any kind, but claiming there's "absolutely no downside" to buying book after book strikes me as willfully ignorant.  Have you ever had to move?  I would much rather pack up a kindle than a box of books (or for that matter, the shelf you have specifically for holding those books).  On a more

I always thought he was deafer than everyone else.

Good point about the house renovation.  I guess I saw that as a way of flexing his provider/father muscle without raising any eyebrows (why didn't anyone think it was weird that he could afford a brand new tankless water heater, btw?).  Either way, that was really elegantly staged as going from fixing an obvious,

I think there's a big difference between doing something irrational in a moment of rage and doing something irrational for the better part of 24 hours.  He never tried to convince anyone that it was important to throw the pizza on the roof, nor did he try to solicit their help.  Irrational behavior isn't part of his

It had never occurred to me that this was strange, but why didn't Lucas direct Empire or Jedi?  It's not like he had never directed a film before, and he's ostensibly the one with all the vision and creative rights.  Why did it even occur to him to have someone else direct those films, and what changed by the time he

I really liked Fly, but Tasha is totally right about how totally out of character it is for Walt to suddenly care so much about something so insignificant.  Rationalizing poor or immoral decisions is a big part of his character, but out-and-out irrational behavior is not something I associate with him at all.  Still,

What definition of "artist" are you using?  This new round of revisions has changes to Return of the Jedi, which he didn't direct.  Do story writers/co-screenplay writers/executive producers have more creative rights to a film than the director?  Honestly, I can't see arguing artistic intent on something so

Please understand I mean this in the least huffy fanboy way possible, but does he even have the right to do this?  I suppose his power to change A New Hope is unimpeachable, but he didn't direct Return of the Jedi.  Does being executive producer on a film give someone exclusive rights to alter the film as they see

If the storm troopers were really so susceptible to mind tricks, why didn't a single jedi try that shit when they were about to get shot?

@avclub-1fbcf885f8f5c9afc9f37188b3f00afc:disqus it doesn't need to be Lamarckian if it can be transferred through the placenta.  I'm under the impression that all "viral therapies" are retroviruses.  I don't actually know anything about viruses, but if HIV can do it, I don't know why made up Alzheimer's cure couldn't.

Neither George nor Jerry every had any kind of "wish-fullfillment tryst" with Denise Richards. They ogled her cleavaged, sure, but she was playing a 15-year-old. That would have been icky on a whole other level if they had done anything else. Also, the entire plot for that episode wouldn't have happened if

They want you to play the human.

"Settle down Beavis"
Is that a reference to a Bottle Rockets song, or is that line in that song a reference to a specific line from Beavis and Butt-head?

In all seriousness, I clicked on this review because I thought they might have reviewed "Man vs. Food" as a one-off "other shows" type thing. This looks way more interesting, but it was still a disappointment.

Shit. It turns out I do recognize Dynomite, just not the name. It looks like I'll recognize at least the ones Nabin alluded to on the next one, too.

Obligatory "didn't recognize anything on here" comment
I was starting to think this simply wasn't going to happen for me, but you did it, November 2010. Here's hoping Nabin keeps up this pace, and starts writing about NOWs before they're released.

I sure hope not, NH. The fact that Marvel knows neither Black Widow nor Hawkeye could carry their own (commercially viable) film suggests that they may be smart enough to keep their backstories out of the way. We don't need any "this is why I use a bow" shit getting in the way of Stark pissing Banner off, or, you

We've already seen Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye in Thor. Mark Ruffalo's Hulk is the only "first look" on this poster (not a firstie).

I had regular nightmares as a kid that E.T. lived in my basement. The lights would flicker, and I'd know for the life of me I couldn't get away. I usually woke up right about then, but I distinctly remember one dream where he tried to feed me a spoonful of something.

@Apes Ma