Salvador Dolly

On Ned not getting Homer's hatred:
Put me down for it just never entering his mind. Ned assumes everybody holds the bible as close as he does (when even Rev. Lovejoy can't come close), so the concept of someone not loving their neighbor simply isn't conceivable. As we'll later learn, Homer bugs the hell out of Ned,

Fries's Personal Video Camera
That always bothered me, even when I was a kid. I take solace in the fact that BTAS isn't the only show guilty of this. That shit happens pretty much any time one character is watching another via video monitor.

Fries's Personal Video Camera
That always bothered me, even when I was a kid. I take solace in the fact that BTAS isn't the only show guilty of this. That shit happens pretty much any time one character is watching another via video monitor.

Who Numbered Them?
Do they ever explain where the numbers come from? The previews make it seem like he is number four just because he's the fourth one "they" have tried to kill, but also feature that girl who claims to be number six or something. Who gave them these numbers? Why are the people trying to kill them

I pretty regularly make the drive between Chicago and Detroit. I always make a point of switching the fan to avoid smelling Gary, IN. I don't know what that smell is, but my guess is that prolonged exposure to it is what turned Michael Jackson white.

Azrael is only required if Nolan is planning on following the Knightfall story. The plots of his previous Batman films makes me think that that isn't going to happen (nor should it).

It warms my heart that the Wilhelm scream knows no borders.

I imagine the thing that will most distinguish this from other internet news sites is the smug sense of superiority it will give to iPad owners. Owning an iPad is the new literacy.

Any reason it's no longer being updated? Would those reasons go away if Stupidvideos.com was taken out of the mix?

It does seem strange that they just quietly erased it from the site. Granted, it had seen better days, but an explanation for doing away with such a long-standing component of the AV Club seems appropriate.

maybe now she'll eat something

"Tiny Fey"

Why doll it up with a clever title? My vote goes for "the other show we reviewed this week."

"…without being condescending"

"…the guy's plots are poorly structured, his dialogue is mediocre at best, his attempts at metaphor and meta-textual gimmicks are puerile, and his characters are paper thin."

I guess
New Zealand is just running out of white actors to cast in this thing.

I sincerely doubt any parents who would object to that clip would have let their kids watch NYPD Blue in the first place. Let the rest of us have our fun.

To be fair, the "seasons" packaged in the DVDs are on the big side—around 30 episodes, I think. I bet the price per episode is actually quite low.

You know, I don't think I ever appreciated the animation of the early seasons of the Simpsons, but the still featured on this write-up is gorgeous.

Well, I'm a vet, and I can say without a doubt that rabbits are lagamorphs, and that they are prone to hip dysplasia.