

"The Sandy/Hannah storyline indicates to me that Dunham has heard the criticism S1 received and is self-aware about her show's limited worldview."

The thing is, long hair gets in your eyes, and sometimes you are sick of always parting it on the left or the right. It's kind of practical?

Yeah… she just strikes me as a classic narcissist. And I feel like her narcissism is all over her show too (not in a knowing "subject matter" way but in a formal "writing style" way).

Look I paid for a 5 minute argument & I intend to have it!

I just think it kind of sucks to get Donald Glover on your show & then just kiss him nonstop & make his whole character about his race & all in order to fulfill your own meta-agenda about being called racist :(

Sonny the Seal oh what a Deal!

Awww that's so nice! I will try although I'm afraid my watching habits with this show might be like that of the Newsroom last year, where I liked participating in the discussion A LOT but I found the actual watching to be kind of tedious so I procrastinated on it a lot or just 'hate-watched' is the term I guess. But I

But didn't anyone think that Cool Whip gag was sooooooo obvious? "I'm hot" while eating something fattening? I think I make a variation of that joke literally every time I eat in front of someone.

He didn't even explain why he's a Republican which I was looking forward to hearing.

I often think of 'Reality Bites' too cause it's kind of like: "It sucks to be a young American person cause you're not living up to your POTENTIAL but also it's awesome to be a young American person cause you can spontaneously dance to pop music with yer friends".

She also used the same line in this episode that she used in her Obama ad: "Don't you think gay people should be allowed to have beautiful weddings like on [TV Show]?". Same line.

I don't fully buy that she's choosing not to write 3 dimensional characters because she's making a point, just because I haven't seen her do anything else except this show and Tiny Furniture (I mean, Picasso did paint 'The Old Fisherman' & 'Science and Charity' before he started purposefully messing around with the


Holey moley, Snidely, this & yr other comment are LITERALLY the first pieces of writing about this show that have made me wonder if I am misreading it (did you happen to read an old New Yorker article on her where they also argued the "portrait of an artist" angle? That one went into Plato's philosopher-king/leisure

Thanks! It's a French artist named Charlotte Caron. She's got a whole series of these.

lol, cub, your grade.

"We join the Navy. Rise in the ranks really fast. Take her to the Naval Officers Ball."

Great episode, the first in a long time. This show is in its stride when it sticks to the beats of storytelling. Loved Lilly's rooftop confession & Robin's dad too & Barney was used in a way he doesn't get used usually. Are you back, HIMYM?!