Sweet Baby Roy

Is it though? It's not very biting satire then, I feel like they're just preaching tumblr talking points to the viewer every episode.

By "you people," he's probably referring to all those "liberal" ninnies who divide everybody into tribes based on identity and direct faux-outrage to a different online target every couple hours.

I wouldn't be so quick to assume they have

Don't you love it when cis white liberals go out of their way get offended for you? It's what makes them superior people, y'know?

I dunno man, I personally wouldn't be offended as an individual no matter who made the joke. I think the left needs to stop clutching their pearls at every micro-microaggression that gets uttered, this virtue signaling shit is killing us.

Alternate headline: Triggered conservatives whine about dick joke

I'm on episode 6 right now. This show is pretty corny, I'm not gonna lie. The characters won't stop calling themselves "woke" but I'm beginning to think these whiny Ivy Leaguers are much more privileged and much less revolutionary than they believe themselves to be.

Try not to lose all of your shit at once there. I was simply alluding to the fact that your beloved Democrats refuse to back the ideas & policies that the majority of American people are in favor of, for instance Medicare-for-All or the legalization of cannabis. You can go back to dismissing everything I say now,

They hit his crowd size, which nobody has ever done before, saying if they're small, something else must be small. I guarantee you there isn't a problem. I guarantee it.

CNN is owned by powerful moneyed institutions, frames itself as neutral (instead of objective), and serves the interests of the establishment over the interests of the people. Not a hard concept to grasp.

They are by no means a democratic party, so I didn't want to cause any confusion.

CNN is state-media, Fox News is Republican propaganda, MSNBC is Democrat propaganda.

I know Milo well, I'm not a fan of Obama or even a democrat for that matter, and I didn't accuse Milo of being "hateful." I accused him of being a troll, which is a label he subscribes to. So tell me, what is your game plan exactly?

This guy is nothing more than a troll and wasting your energy to attack him as a bigot/hate-monger/etc. only furthers his cause.

It's a dirty job but someone's gotta do it

Tell your wife's son I said hi.

Boy, you sure are a nuanced thinker.

Too bad the other side failed to remove the cancer of neoliberalism from their party, which is being rejected across the globe might I add. Hey, at least we tried.

The funny thing is, Brother Bern himself was a rather center-left candidate on the international spectrum, yet our glorious corporate-state media smeared him up and down as a Chavez/Castro/Stalin you name it all to protect their status quo corporatist agenda — whether they consciously realized it or not. They are

Or, you know, giving us the public option, reinstating Glass-Steagall, or…literally doing anything with it other than issuing bailouts and pushing right-wing healthcare reform