Sweet Baby Roy

We need to get out of this habit of comparing neocons favorably to Trump. It's like saying "I prefer this flavor of shit to this slightly more pungent flavor of shit."

I don't know about you, but I took great pleasure in watching him eviscerate Jeb Bush & Bush 43's legacy during the primary. I also enjoyed some of his insults towards Hillary during the debates, but I'd hate to strike a nerve and get painted as pro-Trump/neo-Nazi/literally the actual fucking devil because I'm more

Christ, it's like he doesn't even want to be there. Jimmy Fallon gets The Roots, Corden gets Reggie Watts, but Colbert is stuck with Jon Baptiste. Such a shame

Hah, haaaaaaaaaaah… *smiles nervously, with no chemistry between himself and Colbert to be found*

My bologna has a first name, thank you very much.

I have the documents

He's great at issuing savage insults at least. And in the end, isn't that all that really matters?

Alex Jones has satisfied more women at age 16 than Sean O'Neal has in his life. Even on a belly full of chili, the man can fuck like a coked-up hyena.

That campaign was doomed from the start. Warren would have at least appeased progressives — which is exactly why they didn't pick her.

He's a weaksauce corporatist with about as much charisma as a piece of burnt toast.

It's been said that if you google Tim Kaine 3 times, he'll appear in your house and give you a refresher course in identity politics. Nobody's ever done it though, so it's never been proven.

Colbert's AJ impression is not that good. Jones is one of those guys you really can't imitate effectively unless you do the mannerisms right and hit his particular brand of talking points accurately. Tim Heidecker's impression is hilarious for example. Joe Rogan also has a pretty good one.

Democrats need to get their shit together and fast. You want unity so bad? OK, here's what we're gonna unify around: Medicare for all. Free college. Removing the virus of corporate money from our party and the system at large. Anti-interventionist foreign policy. Ending the drug war. Re-regulating Wall Street. Making

I have the documents

Say what you will about his politics, but that creep can slam an ass or two.

I'm not telling you anything about who I voted for. I'm telling you why the democrats are a miserable pile of failure and burning rubble that gaslights its own base and shames progressives for not aligning with a pro-war, pro-corporate, pro-establishment party hidden behind a thin veil of culturally marxist identity

Typically in a democracy, a candidate is supposed to earn their votes by appealing to voters. You can't blame the electorate at large for exercising their rights in a way that you personally disagree with.

Plenty of conservatives to be found on independent media as well. Wannabe "woke" libertarians, which is a spectrum that spans from free market fundamentalists to conspiracy-minded globalist demonizers, then you got yer alt-right alt-hipsters who hate PC culture and try way too hard to appear smart & handsome, etc. And

But he isn't an anarcho commie antifa goon, he's a loud boorish babyman who is unable to confront ideas outside of his bubble. Unifying theme: both are easily-triggered repugnant authoritarians that love to play the victim card