the blue rose of stark

Agreed. He cares about Sansa too much. Not only that —
Ultimately he sees them ruling The North together. He let Cat get away, he aint' gonna risk his shot at a more beautiful version of her.
Oh did I mention she's Cat's daughter.

Still he has his doubts about Ramsay- Their convo was interesting- its shows that Littlefinger, as sleazy as he is— knows another sleaze ball when he sees one.

I PRAY to the drowned god that happens- but where the hell is the drowned god ?
It probably ain't gonna happen——But I tend to sort of agree with you. She's Sansa STARK. Then my mind wanders to the sheer bloody horror that was the Red Wedding.

And don't forget Slynt was right there at Ned's beheading-done in front of
and deliberately for Sansa Stark to see.

God that was QUICK wasn't it ? But the most satisfying 'you're gonna get what's coming to you' moment on GOT to date.

It was SO satisfying—
Like I wanted to high 5 the television right at that moment ! Jon Snow 'became' Ned Stark last night.

Yes, I know —but remember he just lost his bastard status. Keeping up appearances for dear old Dad of the FLAYED SIGEL , you know.
I will take the GREATEST pleasure if and when Stannis F'ing Baratheon takes Winterfell with or without Jon Snow.
Until then-if I see Sansa's wedding coming up soon in an episode you'll find

NO. He acted the same way with Theon.
At first. Of course Roose wasn't around to chaparone the sickening affair—-
An apple doesn't fall far from the tree though, does it?

Yep !
That could have been (was) Jon Snow's BEST Stark moment to date on the show. It was couldn't have been done better.
Props to Kit Harrington. Boy is nailing it.
With Stannis Baratheon nodding approval in the background- even : ^) !

If the Sansa Stark character is put thru some sort of extreme torture with that Bolton freak on the show, I'm boycotting the network.

Well - not to worry. Reek has plenty.

You have to admit JON SNOW had one hell of an epic 'I am the main man' moment last night. JUST SUPERB.
The show did a hell of a job with the killing of Slynt by Jon.
Even if you've havent read the books, you have to realize after last night —Jon Snow is a very important player in this game.

The ep was truly amazing- I agree.
1.) I love the Tyrion - Varys twosome- its giving us some of the best dialogue in a show that's always loaded with great dialogue ! What a great road trip that would be —- whaat will come of it, even better.
2.) Drogon showing up- how good is it to know that the dragons really DO

I must say that this episode of Hannibal was the BEST I've seen all season.