El Pato

It is completely accurate, too bad the only people who ever admit something like that are successful douchebags.

Y'know, I don't mind the Frankenstein remake that much either.  The part that I really love is the scene when Branagh's Victor meets the monster in the ice cavern.  Deniro's line delivery is chilling just by virtue of being so indifferent and affectless.  It could just be because Deniro wasn't trying very hard, either

Y'know, I don't mind the Frankenstein remake that much either.  The part that I really love is the scene when Branagh's Victor meets the monster in the ice cavern.  Deniro's line delivery is chilling just by virtue of being so indifferent and affectless.  It could just be because Deniro wasn't trying very hard, either

Daaaaammmnnn.  We got served good, Monkey Boy.

Daaaaammmnnn.  We got served good, Monkey Boy.

@avclub-740bc18f68a7140f7e82b025080d8c28:disqus That would only make sense if Peter Stormare killed Steve Buscemi with a colony of beavers.  Or if the dinosaurs then fed Peter Stormare into a woodchipper.

@avclub-740bc18f68a7140f7e82b025080d8c28:disqus That would only make sense if Peter Stormare killed Steve Buscemi with a colony of beavers.  Or if the dinosaurs then fed Peter Stormare into a woodchipper.

Seriously, fuck that store.  Its a place for assholes, named by an asshole.

Seriously, fuck that store.  Its a place for assholes, named by an asshole.

I don't know who this man is.  I will listen to his record.  But I will NOT get in his van!

I don't know who this man is.  I will listen to his record.  But I will NOT get in his van!

Uh…boob milk?

Uh…boob milk?

hoo boy….thanks?

hoo boy….thanks?

Has that actually happened?  Is she supposed to be a live action Cathy or something?

Has that actually happened?  Is she supposed to be a live action Cathy or something?

I don't hate the song Imagine, but I can totally understand hating it.  I hate that black eyed peas song "where is the love?", and its the same kind of maudlin, generic inspirational crap.

I don't hate the song Imagine, but I can totally understand hating it.  I hate that black eyed peas song "where is the love?", and its the same kind of maudlin, generic inspirational crap.

Maybe thats the benefit of having really inexpressive, lifeless animation, it elevates the vocal performance.