El Pato

Right, I forgot those two things. Good point. Maybe the squid would have worked, it just needed some set-up in the movie.

Oh yeah, without question Benjamin Bridges was his worst movie.


You guys were or are high off your asses. The Game is not mind-blowing or underrated, it's cheesy and absurd. But it is a lot of fun to watch, I'll say that.

I don't really have a problem with niteowl's "NOOOOOOOOOOO" at the end of Watchmen. I think it was a NOOOOOOOO that worked, it was well timed coming immediately after Rorschach explodes, and it came when the music reached its crescendo. But I still would have preferred the way it happened in the comic, with a

See no Evil
Did anyone else receive a Rutger Hauer vibe from Michael Gross when he was beating batman's ass in the cement? Reminded me a lot of Bladerunner when Batty's talking to Deckard in the hotel, but you don't actually see him. I really thought it was him for a second.

Yeah, the final twist was expected, but I didn't think they'd do it referencing thriller. I thought that was pretty funny.

I think both of you guys are right. That probably is the most annoying thing about the new Simpsons (marge's dialogue is almost exclusively this kinda crap), and that stuff usually replaces any attempt at a real joke and takes you out of a story you might invest in. But like with Lenny's line from last night, it can

I have to concur with the gentleman called Mikey B. I don't know where it would have gone, but I feel like the first 10 minutes had the most potential, then it went for that pretty obvious drug story. If it hadn't though, we wouldn't have gotten Herzog.

I really liked Bob as a cab-driver
One of the only problems I had with Bob's Burgers was that Bob wasn't that likable. Week after week, he was always the wet blanket, and usually met everyone and every idea with hostility. But even though his cab driving job was disgusting in the most Taxi Driver way, he seemed to

Oh yeah, one of them was wearing a blue spider-man mask, that was pretty funny.

So many good lines tonight, but by far my favorite was:

I liked bart's novelty glasses. What a silly thing to spend your drug money on.

Katherine Diekman
Weird that she'd be mentioned today on the Clarissa Explains it All comment thread, then on the same day there's news about her. Pretty strange. Anyway, if this is like Pete and Pete, I'm on board.

Did any of you ever see Goodburger? I saw it the other day, and it was actually pretty funny and enjoyable in a shaggydog kinda way. And it has some surprising cameos, the girl from freaks and geeks, abe vigoda, george clinton.

"Y'know it's like poetry sorta, they rhyme"

It would be great if Lucas himself saw these, if only he didn't live in an impenetrable bubble full of yes-men and gas that causes self-delusion. But if he did, he'd just look at the review of ROTS and think "Why didn't I think of that? A young Han Solo at the end of the movie! I knew I forgot something!"

The Temple of the Forbidden Eye ride has a lot of movie potential. Shia Leboef could play that Indiana Jones character.

Its not well known, but Cookie Monster had actually been constipated for years. He spoke like that because he was perpetually forcing his bowel movements. He didn't tell anyone for fear of losing his job with the childrens television workshop, which forced him to scarf down cookies sometimes for twelve hours a day.

They just don't make women like that anymore
Or men like Gregory Peck. These days the men aren't men and the women are all jennifer aniston. GET OFF MY LAWN YOU PUNKS!