Australian Soap Character

I've been watching through both two seasons for this show over the past fortnight and wanted to send some traffic this way. Claire I love reading these reviews and while the first season of this show was incredibly hit and miss, this second season has been incredible.

Her little walk in the opening credits could turn me straight, only for me to be painfully rejected

I want to sit down everyone freaking out about Kristen Wiig leaving at the end of the season and make them watch every Gilly skit until they admit her going's probably for the best

Kate McKinnon seems like she's going to be a solid cast member based on those two impressions alone, and she's cute as a button.

LiLo missed her shot, after this season of 30 Rock Denise Richards is the people's idiot now

I'm convinced Lindsay Lohan hosting is just another of Maya Angelou's pranks

Maya Angelou, the greatest prankswoman of our time

The pilot of Hey Roz! was better than this!

I guess Raven-Symone couldn't be in the audience cos she's going onto Broadway. She knows what she did!

I don't recall Steenburgen every looking better.

House of the Ratings Slum… no, that doesn't work.

Ha, this is nothing compared to Emily's amazing scathing putdowns of La Scherzy

He can give a whole new meaning to phoning i in

I hope they cast Wesley Snipes, then he and Sheen can have a Snipes-off. That and he seems like a real Master of Sex, obviously.

I'm really going to miss your rants against Scherzy. Can you just incorporate them anyway?

I can't even imagine how great that would be. The great Pawnee rivalry between icy floozy Joan Calamezzo and everybody's best friend Perd Hapley

Scratch that, where's my Joan Callamezzo spin-off?


and I'm really looking forward to the An Affair to Rememblack TV adaptation too

but how will D'Fwan juggle his America's Kidz Got Singing and Queen of Jordan duties?