Cab Savvy

keep on keepin' on there, cookie man.

there should be a law mandating that commercials have to be at least chuckle-worthy. 'we're a reliable company/product' ads can eat it.

my Celebrity Death Pool remains unaffected.


thanks for the deadbeat tip. struck me first time through as a little cold but it's growing on me. glad this feature is here

The Devil's Men

the versus mode of spy vs. spy was great!…i used to always put a bomb in the dresser.

have sex with them and kill your father?

and Salvadore Rushdie!

lots of good recommendations on here,,,as a reasonably long time AV Clubber (1997) i'd love to see this feature continue until it at least has a reasonable following (which it will!).

actually, the 1999 David Spade vehicle "Lost and Found" reintroduced Neil Diamond to America. dunno about the Shatner-esque quality of said performance, but it wasn't bad…

i would like to put my hot dog in her bun.

did they translate "Boner" into other languages for the foreign audiences? just curious…

the emover and shirt with a target on it can go away. also, referring to your song as an 'anthem' is never a good sign

sherlock as action hero?? smell ya later…

*slaps Lobsters 1 on the claw*

i dunno about the _relative_ merits of "Night Moves" over some older Springsteen stuff, but i know this: the world has changed to the point that nowadays both of their music is about the…blandest…shit…on…the…face…of…the…planet….

i visualize David Attenborough doing a reading of the album's lyrics at a local open mic night to determine if the album is good or not.

no, she squanders her fortune making a big budget crush video…

less land of the lost, more bat fight please