
Yeah, but I kinda hated the way she butted in on Nick and Schmidt's thing for her own benefit. Either it was dickish of her to use the Keaton for her own benefit, and she never got called out on it (so quirky!), or they're friends and she's been really rough on him for the past couple weeks.

Man, I'm hating this Jess and Nick thing. Ever since they've started dating, Jess has just been a dick around the apartment.

I don't think Gaiman's personal views are as gendered as his stories would make you think. In talking about the Endless, Gaiman's writing is encompassing really ancient stories. All of Sandman is in a state of flux. We have "boy" and "girl" stories because that's how things have come out for generations, but

I think ya'll missed one of the other big themes in World's End. It's not just about transition, but sometimes about transition of authority. In "Cluracan's Tale" we see Cluracan as a stand in for Morpheus at the beginning of the book. But the ruler is just as relevant because he personifies so much that is central to

Delight never soured into Delirium. Of course we look at her and see the tatters and the nonsense, but in her speech to Destiny she is clear that she CHOSE to change into Delirium. She saw more freedom in that embodiment than she did in Delight. If anything, it shows us the awfulness of freedom.

I've always appreciated the fact that Wanda's story is so unrelentingly tragic. Sandman is consistently about change coming to the old world; some people adapt, and others die.

I've always appreciated the fact that Wanda's story is so unrelentingly tragic. Sandman is consistently about change coming to the old world; some people adapt, and others die.

@avclub-4d3bac64f0fbcc90a6b5c82f09ea4418:disqus Destruction is not the Lord of Chaos. That's one of his main arguments, that each of the Endless also embodies their counterpart. Death meets people at their birth and death; Destruction argues that creation comes from destruction; Delight's transformed to Delirium when

@avclub-4d3bac64f0fbcc90a6b5c82f09ea4418:disqus Destruction is not the Lord of Chaos. That's one of his main arguments, that each of the Endless also embodies their counterpart. Death meets people at their birth and death; Destruction argues that creation comes from destruction; Delight's transformed to Delirium when

I know I have issues because Dakota Johnson breaking down and going straight from laughing to crying is super cute. It's totally love.

I know I have issues because Dakota Johnson breaking down and going straight from laughing to crying is super cute. It's totally love.

Same. I like the story, and the art is beautiful, but it seems more clever than moving. Like "I see what you did there" kind of thing.

Same. I like the story, and the art is beautiful, but it seems more clever than moving. Like "I see what you did there" kind of thing.

Yeah, when Abel says "A point of view" that is one of the most poignant things I've ever read. 

Yeah, when Abel says "A point of view" that is one of the most poignant things I've ever read. 

I think the reviewers miss one of the interesting points about Dream Country, that it's "turtles all the way down." Each of these stories feature a story behind the story: With Calliope, there is the story Madoc writes, their story, the story of Dream and Calliope, and Dream's story in the way, way background. With

I think the reviewers miss one of the interesting points about Dream Country, that it's "turtles all the way down." Each of these stories feature a story behind the story: With Calliope, there is the story Madoc writes, their story, the story of Dream and Calliope, and Dream's story in the way, way background. With