Zack Snyder

…a liar! Sure, we hung out. But me and this Jun Hume bro never even talked about my Superman epic!

…Jobe Razor guy asked me to direct this movie for him but I turned it down after that prude Kay Moro said I wasn't allowed to film her junk in slow-mo.

Code breaking
"Producing partner", huh? That's just code for "they most def lez out when the lights are out", if you get my meaning.

No Sucker Punch!?
Gawd, you nerds are so predictable! No love for the Snyderizer around these parts, huh!?

…I bet none of you dorks spent New Years Eve the same way I did!

"Beaver" is also what I like to call a womenz party-zone.

Mel has the penis the size of a watermelon.

Me and Steve Martin where once in a threesome with Angelica Huston.

No loss.
I've never heard of these show before. I'm going to be pitching FX my own self-help show next year, so you hipster dorks better keep a look out and support it when it hits the air.

Just a heads-up.
I wouldn't get too excited about this news.

Is this Erfman Khan the same Indian playboi from Heroes?

Me and my broseph C-Nole have decided to make this Arman Eckhman dude Lex Luthor in my new flick.

But he loves phat asses.

The real skinny.
Darren A asked me to ghost-direct the scene where the Kunis and the other white chick get down.

Right on.
I don't know who this Roger Doogal is, but he's right on. Doing a bazillion takes doesn't do jack to improve a movie.

Portman also played with Aronofsky's "rope" during the shoot. Why else do you think him and Weitz hit the rocks?