
you're kinda framing the opposition as nerd ragers instead of just people who have different tastes.  Angel really hasn't been as hung up on buffy as he is in this episode in a while.  For a show that was always treated as its own thing, this episode just seems to be saying "WE WERE A SPINOFF OF BUFFY, WHICH IS

you're kinda framing the opposition as nerd ragers instead of just people who have different tastes.  Angel really hasn't been as hung up on buffy as he is in this episode in a while.  For a show that was always treated as its own thing, this episode just seems to be saying "WE WERE A SPINOFF OF BUFFY, WHICH IS

Do you run into that a lot?  Any movie with any sequel potential at all suffers a similar fate when you get down to it.  If your complaint is that the film failed to draw you in to forget this fact, I feel like that's a valid critique (that I wouldn't personally agree with, but still), but just realizing the

I'm really pretty glad it didn't happen- ultimate cap's Millarness doesn't really translate to the thoughtful dude in the movies.

to Defenestrator- So he deserves credit for "pouches, glowing eyes and cyborg arm?"

Well, when you get right down to it, yeah, anyone being stunned by a death is silly.
also, I was going by "to shock, overwhelm"

You're stunned that a guy who had a stroke an made fun of not caring about his diabetes has died?  saddened sure, but stunned?

I do not enjoy the off-hand statement that OOC is the best zelda ever.  A LINK TO THE PAST, FOREVER.

"The last time a professional sporting league went on strike and caused a
suspension of play was August 12, 1994, when the Major League Baseball
Player’s Association went on strike." Someone has pointed out that this is incorrect, haven't they?  the NBA lost half of it's 99 season, there was no 05 06 NHL season.  I

I really, really liked this, but the last two rounds of the last fight shook my suspension of disbelief quite a bit.  that'd be the worst ref ever, letting that fight continue!

His basketball stuff has gotten more and more obnoxious, partially because of the pop culture stuff. it used to seem like he was accurately representing how he spoke, which is a good enough thing.
now it just seems like he's playing some sort of pop culture drinking game.