Midnight Noon

I'd like to see a "Book vs. Film vs. Film" for Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and its Swedish and American adaptations. So far I've just seen the Swedish version, which I prefer to the book.

Yeah, when the highlight of one of your songs (My First Kiss) is Kesha's one repeated line, something's seriously wrong.

I'm actually kind of surprised this is news. Weren't they always planning on releasing it in 3D? Or did they take a moment to question the wisdom of that when they saw that most of Thor and Captain America's grosses came from the 2D versions?

Alex Trebek: This gardening tool also refers to an immoral pleasure seeker.
Ken Jennings: What is a hoe?
Trebek: Wrong. Whoa! Did you learn that in public school in Utah?
Other contestant: What is a rake?

Hmm… One thing I wonder if the extended versions have, which is downplayed in the films I've seen, is Mikael's Don Draper-like tendency to sleep with every important female character.

Dunno, I've just seen the theatrical versions.

The Swedish movies are, to me, the antithesis of the Harry Potter adaptations. The HP movies had to cut out a lot of important stuff, and people who only know the story from the films really only know about 60% of it.

Wonder if the third movie will have (SPOILERS AHEAD) the subplot from the book, where Lisbeth helps Mikael's girlfriend find the guy who's been sending her harassing e-mails at work, and we find out it's some jerk she never gave the time of day to in high school, who has nothing to do with the rest of the story

I think they're mad at Brandon more because he made an absolute fool of them all.

If my nephew had played the game the way Brandon did, I wouldn't have been proud either. What pissed me off was that Russell made it all about himself.

That style of massage wasn't shiatsu. They were just Asians.

Guys like the McPoyles probably never graduated high school, therefore they wouldn't have been invited to the reunion.

He did get to snuggle up with her on the beach, but nothing happened beyond that. The revelation that her judgment was impaired by Ecstasy the whole time made it sort of a warped variation on the "sweet summer romance" storyline.

OK, it ranks at least in the top 50.

I would say a little bit from column A, a little bit from column B.

Ohh yeah… That's what I'll call them from now on.

The one thing I found really disappointing about this episode is that Zia is the only grandkid whose name we learn.

There have been some really good episodes this season. "The Book Job" was one of the best ever.

Edna Cooper? All this time I've been calling her Ms. Krabappel!

Tic Tac Toe: X V. O