
i agree the article makes some good points but perhaps reads too much into things. "LaBamba" is simply a great song/recording that initially blended Richie's electric guitar/rock and energy with a Latin flavor. It was of the all time big party rock songs before the 1987 redo.

"A Piece of The Action" is in my top 10 TOS Star Trek episodes. they totally break form, even Spock (eventually). to hear Spock say refer to the captain as "Koik" and say "youse betta start dialin" Chicago-style = big fun.  caught it again last weekend on some cable channel.

"A Piece of The Action" is in my top 10 TOS Star Trek episodes. they totally break form, even Spock (eventually). to hear Spock say refer to the captain as "Koik" and say "youse betta start dialin" Chicago-style = big fun.  caught it again last weekend on some cable channel.