
This news invokes boner-time!

This news invokes boner-time!

Fuck this guy.

Fuck this guy.

The full version is about 12 + minutes long. Do you have that kind of face -dick kicking stamina?

And now, Peter Frampton!

Just to be fair that image was edited to just show the comments that complained about the lack of a "drop". There were a ton of comments that enjoyed the Aphex Twin track.

Wolverine, Sentinel, Dante

Who is this person and why should I care? I thought it was the mother of the hot girl in Crouching Tiger.

The prequel to Ghost Dad

Uhhh….this show is so Pink?

It's 12 O'clock
I think I'm sober
Why don't we think this over
Over a can of King Cobra

The definition
of a whack MC.

robinm is totally right about the Ben Stiller show. Its a pretty fantastic sketch comedy show. Really 90's material, but funny.

I can't decide if wrecksracer or fastsandsloppy wins, but I feel better. The rest of you go home, and if'n your at home take a nap.

Quite a boring comments section so far. I can see why AV Club doesn't post much tech news.
Someone entertain me!

Sleigh Bells = Atari Teenage Riot

I thought the jelly doughnut dude was some ass who had a crush on her.
And most music is for super stoned people. Get on the trolly!

Sounds boffo!

The only reason I dig the Jap Sat lineup is because of a ton of great 2-D fighters and some good Sega arcade ports.